“You want me to get up and make a presentation when there’s only a chance I’ll get to keep the project?”
“You pursued it for years and there was only ever a chance it would come off. Don’t quit now.”
“Martin said if I did anything to prevent him from taking the spa project, he’d tell everyone. He’d make it public… about Dad. About—”
“Just do your best,” Jack snaps. “That’s all you need to do. Don’t worry about anything else. Whatever happens, we want them to know how good you are.”
“But what’s the point if—”
“Nico has this in hand. He’ll make sure the project is yours, I swear it. He knows what it means to you.”
Nico?Something in my chest thaws.
A beat passes. “Are you registering this?” Jack questions. “Is she listening? Elly?”
“I’m listening,” I tell him, at the same time as Elly says, “She’s listening.”
“Good. I’ll see you in the office.”
“What did the police say?” I ask before he can hang up.
Jack makes a confused grunting sound.
“The police,” I repeat. “About Curtis and the paintings. All the stuff he nicked. Have they found him yet?”
“Err. No. Negative. I’m sure they will, though. Get your head in the game, Kate. Stay focused on Knightsbridge spa.”
“I quit the project. I already told Nico.”
“Nuh-uh. You don’t get to quit a project like this. That’s what they call self-sabotage. Don’t let Nico—”
“It’s not him,” I lie.
“Fine. Me, then. Whatever. You might never forgive me, but I’m not sitting back and letting you screw up your career. Do you want it? Or do you want to hide under the duvet for the rest of your life?”
“Is this a video call?” I ask, patting the duvet I’m squirreled beneath.
“No. But Elly told me what’s going on over there.”
I shoot Elly a resentful glance.Traitor.
“So, are you giving up?” Jack’s tone softens.
People who give up never get anything they want in life. If that’s the path you choose, then I can’t follow you. Because I don’tfuckingquit, and I cannot be with someone who does.
A pitiful sigh comes out my mouth.
“Do you want it?” Jack repeats.
My heart thumps uncomfortably in my chest. “Yes.”
“Good. Then for fuck’s sake, get out of bed and down to the office and prove yourself, or Martin Brooks is going to steal Dad’s dream project right out of your hands.” Jack pauses, a clicking sound coming down the phone like he’s tutting. He’s not finished.
“What?” I wait. “Spit it out, Jack.”
“Shit, Kate. I’m fucking sorry, you know? Nico wanted to tell you about Dad. I made him swear not to. We promised Dad on his deathbed that we’d keep it from you—”
“I know all this.” I sound as bitter and hurt as I feel.