“The paintings. Mum’s jewellery. Everything.”
My aching jaw slows my brain, and I take a moment to fumble for the right train of thought. “The paintings he was putting into storage? The Stephen Condar?”
“Yeah. Dad’s art. It never went into storage. Curtis fucking took it. Nicked the lot. I knew he was a fucking dodgy arsehole. I knew it. And now he’s disappeared.” Jack lets out a frustrated groan as his hand scrapes his face. He collects himself and announces, “I’m going down there. Mum’s in a state. She’s just back from Aunt Venetia’s, and the house is empty.”
“Cleared out. Nothing of any value left.”
“And the art?”
“She was letting him deal with it. She never even knew where he was storing it.” Jack curses. “She’s so desperate to be taken care of she let him waltz into her life and steal the whole lot.”
“I’ll come with you.”
Jack eyes me. “You look rough. You should probably put some ice on your face.”
I raise an eyebrow, or I try to, but pain shoots down my face so I abort the attempt. “Can you drive with that hand?”
Jack looks at it, turns it over, and flexes his fingers again. I can see the pain on his face before he wipes it away. “It’s late. Roads will be quiet.”
“Not a good idea.”
Jack mutters a curse under his breath. “Fine. Okay. I’ll call a cab.” He winces. “But before I go anywhere, I need some ice for my hand. What the hell is your jaw made of? Titanium?”
The urge to laugh bubbles up inside me, but even as the sound escapes an aching pain shoots through the side of my face. “Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”
“Good,” Jack replies. “Next time, keep your dick in your trousers.”
“I meant what I said. I’m in love—”
“Please.” He holds a hand up and looks at the ceiling. “Save yourself. If I know Kate, she’s not forgiving either of us anytime soon. And you aren’t going to win her over with a big declaration, either.” He glances over at the picture. “Especially if that’s anything to go by. That frame looks expensive.”
I shrug. “The best.”
Jack snorts and rolls his eyes. “Of course.”
I push off the sofa and lead the way towards the kitchen, grab a bowl and fill it with ice from the dispenser. Jack takes it and shoves his fist in it, perching on a stool at the island.
He lets out a long sighas his hand rests on the ice. “Can I take this in the cab?” He gestures to the bowl.
“Sure. We should get going.”
Jack frowns, his focus turning inward. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come. Kate might be there.”
My stomach does an unpleasant twist at the sound of her name.
“Mum probably called her too,” Jack continues. “She won’t want to see either of us, but I have more reason to be there. This is family business.”
My heart sinks as the irrational hope of seeing Kate vanishes. “Fine.”
Jack stands, cradling the bowl of ice under his arm. “I need to go before Mum loses her mind. She’s flipping out down there.”
Jack dials for a cab and I try to keep my mind off the fact that, had the evening gone differently, I’d probably have my dick buried deep inside his sister right now.
It would’ve been a hell of a lot more pleasurable than getting hit in the mouth and fighting with my best friend.
I try to stay focused. “Did she call the police?”