Page 96 of Hidden Truths

She laughs. The sound will never get old, especially after not knowing if I would ever hear it again.

“I was kidding. I’m getting you a ring,” she says.

“Whatever you want, Firecracker.”

I’m making a tattoo appointment the moment I wake up.



“Areyou taking me into the woods to murder me?” Cal asks, looking out the car window. “You couldn’t find closer woods?”

I laugh. We’re renting a cabin in New Hampshire a few towns over from Green Peak General Store. It’s a cute A-frame at the end of a dirt driveway surrounded by tall trees. It’s late summer, so the leaves haven’t started to change, and the weather is still warm. I bet it’s pretty in the fall when all the leaves are shades of reds, oranges, and yellows.

When I explained to Cal that I wanted to come speak to the owner, he was understandably irate. But once I showed him the letter and explained the weird phone call from his granddaughter, he saw what I was getting at. He still didn’t want me to go but knew he couldn’t stop me.

Cora is back at home with Jason, and Jo is working on rescheduling all the tour dates and was too busy to make the trip. Belle and Kai came with us. They’re staying in a cabin down the road from this one. We invited Mav and Willa, but Mav said he didn’t want to follow dead ends again, and Willa wanted to stay with him.

I hate being separated from Cora again, but we need to figure this out. I don’t feel safe leaving the house anymore, and I know Cal is freaking out about going on tour again.

The police found old records of Belle’s ex, Brad, having interned for Senator Wolfe. Making it not a huge jump to assume it was the senator that sent Brad after Belle. Going with that assumption, the next most plausible assumption is that he went after me too. The connection being both of us digging into Ezra. We need to end this before he goes after Willa next, or even his own son.

“I wouldn’t need to bring you to the woods to kill you,” I tell Cal, keeping my voice serious even though I want to laugh at the horrified look he’s giving me. “Although, I guess it would save me a body disposal trip.”

“I got your name tattooed on my finger!” he yells, pulling the platinum band I got him off his ring finger and wagging it in my face. “They would know it was you!”

I can’t keep my laughter in anymore. “I would never kill you. You, Callahan Elizabeth Griffin, are my entire soul and at least thirty percent of my daily entertainment.”

Cal’s face quickly went from relieved to offended. “Thirty percent?” he says, clutching his chest like I just broke his heart.

“Your dad is pretty funny,” I say with a shrug.

“Mydad?” He’s screaming now. Cal is dramatic, so messing with him is so much more fun than it should be.

“Have you noticed how handsome he looks with his new haircut?” I’m lucky we’re parked in front of the cabin because I think Cal would’ve driven off the road by now.

“Firecracker, don’t for one second think I won’t kill my dad if he touches you,” Cal says, white knuckling the steering wheel.

“You won’t kill your dad.”

“He’s had a good run,” Cal says and shrugs.

I snort and shake my head. I can’t tell if he’s joking or not, but it doesn’t matter. “I only want you, husband. No need to commit patricide.”

Cal grabs my neck and pulls me in for a punishing kiss. “You’re mine, wife. Mine.”


“This town is fake,” Cal says, looking around at all the adorable buildings with suspicion. They’re all separate and look like they may have been small houses at one point. They even have window boxes with colorful flowers spilling out.

“I was thinking the same thing,” Kai says, looking around like something is going to jump out at him.

I exchange a look with Belle. We should have left them behind.

The town is adorable. All the stores are on the main street, which is aptly named Main Street. They have a general store, post office, mechanic, pharmacy, bakery, and a small boutique. We’re currently walking with iced coffees in hand from the bakery on our way to the general store.

Kai is in front of Belle and me, with Cal taking up the rear. They’re constantly looking around for bad guys or bears. I’m not sure. No one knows we’re here. I didn’t call ahead to the general store, and it’s not a public date for a concert. I even put the cabin reservation under a false name. I don’t think anyone has even recognized us. That’s a nice change.