“This isn’t just sex for me. You are so much more. I want us to be so much more. You brought me to life, Firecracker. I want to explore that.”
My mouth is hanging open with that admission. I know how much he means to me, but I don’t think I ever thought I could mean much more than a friend to him.
“Tell me you want this too. Tell me you want to be with me.” the vulnerability I see on Cal’s face floors me.
“I want to be with you,” I tell him honestly.
“Thank fuck,” he says, kissing me soundly.
We’re about to go for round two when a sharp “da!” comes through the baby monitor. Cal sighs into my neck, but I just laugh.
“Time to go see your baby girl,” I say, patting Cal’s tight butt as he stands. The man has a glorious ass.
We get dressed quickly. Cora doesn’t like to stay in her crib after naps. I watch Cal try to get his hair to cover the bandage on his head.
“Let me,” I say softly as I walk up to him. He has to bend a little so I can reach. Cal’s eyes close when my fingers brush against his skin, like he’s memorizing the feeling.
“I don’t want her to see me hurt,” Cal whispers. “She won’t understand.”
I nod and then laugh as a louder and more demanding “da!” echoes through the room.
“Come on,” Cal says, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. “Let’s go get our girl.”
I’m smiling like a fool as he leads me out the door.
“Will you stop being such a baby?”Harlow sighs, taking my outstretched hand.
“It hurts, Firecracker. I need you to hold me through the pain,” I say, smirking at my girl. The doctor tries to hide her smile as she continues removing the stitches from my head.
“This might scar. I can give you a recommendation for a plastic surgeon, or you could try scar cream.”
“No thanks, Doc. The scar is going to make me look like a badass,” I give my besteverything is finesmile to the doctor, but it falls when I see Harlow. The haunted look in her eyes every time she stares at my head too long guts me. I know she’s seeing what she could have lost, and I don’t know how to help her. I squeeze her hand, her green eyes snapping back to mine.
“Your fan base is going to have a lot of questions.” Harlow fights a smile. Fans have been rabid for information. We’ve been asked not to say anything publicly until the investigation is complete. Which we’re fine with since we don’t know what to say anyway.
I shrug and smile up at my firecracker. “I’ll just tell them I hit my head falling for you.”
Harlow snorts and rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling. I will do anything to keep that smile on her beautiful face. I’m half gone for her as it is, but when she smiles at me like that, fuck, I might already be there.
“Alright Mr. Griffin,” the doctor says, snapping her latex gloves off. “You’re all set.”
I stand, pulling Harlow to me as the doctor leaves the room. “Thanks for helping me through the pain, Firecracker.”
Harlow laughs and buries herself in my chest. I hold her tightly and kiss the top of her head. We stay like that for a moment, but Cora’s giggle breaks us out of the moment. She’s in her stroller, chewing on a giraffe teething toy. Her teeth are coming in hard now. She has two that just broke through and another four that we can feel pushing on her gums.
Harlow’s head swings around, causing her hair to hit me in the face. “Did she just say damn?”
“I don’t know. I was busy being assaulted by a red monster,” I say, making exaggerated spitting noises.
“You liked that red monster when you were pulling on it and fucking me from behind this morning,” Harlow mutters under her breath.
I groan and pull her back into my chest. “Don’t make me hard in the doctor’s office with my daughter right there, baby.”