Cora is great. We just had lunch and now we’re going to relax and watch Ms. Rachel until naptime.
I bite the inside of my lip. Do I know I’m being ridiculous? Yes. Harlow has been with Cora and me every day for the past two weeks. Cora adores her, and Harlow is a natural with her. It’s just hard to be away from my daughter. She’s the most important thing in my life.
Did you give her any solids? Food before one is just for fun. I read that. So you don’t have to. She could choke or something. Maybe you should just stick to formula when I’m not there.
She had her six-month appointment yesterday, and the doctor said we can slowly introduce purees.
Cal, she’s fine. I swear. She had her bottle and some pureed peaches. She really liked the peaches and there was zero choking.
A picture comes through next with Harlow smiling and Cora looking at her like she hung the moon.Fuck. My heart squeezes. My little girl really does love her nanny. And Harlow has done nothing but prove how qualified she is to take care of Cora. I need to stop hovering. Well, I’ll try to stop hovering.
Give her a kiss for me and tell her Daddy loves her.
Yes, Daddy.
Fucking hell. This woman is trying to kill me. If I realized how much sass she could fit into that small body, I would have reconsidered hiring her. Probably.
Would you prefer, sir? Yes, sir.
Sir? Daddy? Captain?
Oh! How about Sir Captain Daddy?
“Are you growling?”
I look up from my phone to find a smug-looking Willa standing next to a confused-looking Mav.
“Why did you talk me into hiring this woman? She’s trying to drive me up a wall!”
Maverick snorts, catching on to what Willa was so smug about.
“That’s why I love her so much. She’s perfect for Cora, and she drives you crazy,” Willa says with a huge grin on her face.
“You’re kind of an evil genius, you know that?” Mav asks her.
Willa just keeps smiling as she takes Mav by the arm and leads him away.
I’m not a captain. I’m the lead singer. If you’re going for nicknames, at least get my job right.
Sorry Vocal Daddy.
Are you trying to get fired?
Cora would never fire me.
Cora doesn’t make the rules.