Ok, maybe that’s being a little dramatic, but it was strange.
I’m about to start my car when my phone rings. Willa’s name comes up.
“Hey, Willa.”
“Hi Harlow! Jo is great! I was wondering if Cal would let you go long enough to meet us at Mav’s. I wanted to go over some things with Jo that will overlap with your responsibilities.” Willa’s voice is cheerful. Jo must have really put on the charm at her interview.
“I can do that. He actually gave me the rest of the day off, and I was about to leave. Which house is Maverick’s?” Their houses are all together in a row on the same street, but I don’t remember what the order is.
“Two down. Mine is the one to the right of Cal’s, Belle and Kai are to the left and Mav is right next to them.”
“Got it. See you in thirty seconds.”
Willa laughs as she ends the call.
Thirty-two seconds later, I’m parking my car next to Jo’s. Maverick’s house is in the same style as the rest of them, but he has a lot more plants than they all have combined.
“Hurry up, Harry! Willa is waiting for you to eat the brunch she ordered!” Jo yells from the door. I roll my eyes at the nickname. She only uses it when she’s in a good mood, so I ignore my retort and follow her into the house.
It’s decorated in dark greens and soft creams with touches of black and gold. It’s actually really warm for how large and open the design is. I’m impressed. I didn’t expect a single rock star to have a house that feels cozy. I catch Willa watching me and she smiles.
“Kai and Mav used to have black and white houses. They thought they were cool or something,” she tells me, laughing like a sister who thinks her brothers are idiots.
“They were cool!” Maverick yells, coming to stand next to Willa and offering me his hand. I shake it and smile at him. It’s nice to be starting a job surrounded by familiar faces. Even if we weren’t close in school, we weren’t enemies. “It’s good to see you again, Harlow. Under better circumstances this time.”
Willa raises an eyebrow and looks between us.
“The last time we saw each other was part of the search party for Ezra,” I explain, lowering my eyes. Even though part of the reason I accepted this job was to get close enough to them to get more information, I have no intention of hurting them. If I can help it, anyway.
“She helped with almost all of them. She was in the group with me and Kai,” Mav elaborates. The smile on his face is tight. We divided into three groups early on and just kept them the same to make it easy for everyone.
I watch as Willa reaches for Maverick’s hand and squeezes it. He looks at her, shaking his head as he does, as if he’s trying toshake something off. I guess losing a best friend would do that to someone.
“Anyway, I’m glad you could make it. Your dad should be here soon too.” Willa turns and heads for the dark green velvet couch that Jo is sitting on.
“My dad?” I ask Maverick. He shrugs.
“Willa is very efficient when she wants to be,” he says like that explains everything. I’m not used to being this confused, and it’s taking a lot of willpower not to express my annoyance. Instead, I head to the couch and take the seat on the other side of Jo.
“So, what’s going on?” I ask when no one offers any information.
“I got the job,” Jo says, not looking up from her phone or seeming overly excited about it.
“You were a lot more enthusiastic when Harlow got here,” Mav says, grinning at her.
“She’s my best friend,” Jo says, like that’s an explanation, and I guess for her, it is. To her, a job is a necessity, but friendship is a privilege.
“We’ll be friends in no time, you’ll see,” Mav says, grinning even wider. Jo just snorts in response. Willa looks completely confused, and I know I do too. What the hell is happening between these two? They’ve known each other for like an hour at most.
I open my mouth to ask, curiosity getting the best of me, but the doorbell rings, cutting off my questions. Willa blinks quickly but gets up to get the door. I catch her glancing back a few times, her brows drawn so closely together it looks like she only has one.
My dad saunters in a moment later. His red hair is turning white and the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes are the only things showing his age. His expression is serious until he spots me. Thehardness in the professional gaze he has perfected over the years softens, and he quickly scoops me into a hug.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” he says before kissing the top of my head. “What are you doing here, Jo?” he asks as he spots her.
“I just got a job as the band’s personal assistant,” she explains before standing and wrapping my dad in a hug. Once she lets go, Mav holds his arms open for her to hug him next. She scrunches her nose like he smells bad and takes her seat. Mav just laughs.
Willa’s eyes are as big as saucers as she watches him. Her mouth is hanging open. It takes her a moment to realize we’re all staring at her and waiting for her to tell us what this impromptu meeting is about. She quickly snaps her mouth shut and clears her throat.