Page 94 of Hidden Truths

“There’s a watermelon shaped sprinkler too.” I tell him. I don’t mention the custom watermelon sugar cookies, watermelon themed drinks and snacks, or the two-tier watermelon cake.

He sighs and looks to the sky. “Belle is going to want to be this over the top when we have kids now.”

I spit the watermelon water I had just put in my mouth and look at him. “Don’t talk about knocking my sister up. What is wrong with you?”

Kai laughs and slaps my back. “We live together, dude. What did you think we were doing?”

“I don’t know! Taking cooking classes and learning to crochet?”

“We practice making babies,” Kai says with a smug look on his face. I tackle him to the ground. He grunts and forces a roll so he’s on top. “She likes it like this too.”

I punch him right in his stupid face.

“Fuck!” he groans and rolls off me.

“What are you doing?” Belle asks, running to Kai and glaring angrily at me.

“He started it!” I defend. Harlow has her hands on her hips as she stares down at me. She’s not mad, but curious. Willa shakes her head and gets back to the balloon arch. She’s used to us.

“Explain,” Harlow says.

“He kept bragging about fucking my sister!” I say indignantly, pointing at Kai. Harlow snorts and Belle turns her glare to Kai.

“Really, Malikai?” she says, and he shrugs, smiling like the smug fucker he is.

“I see some things never change.”

I turn to see Millie walking into my backyard. Her hair, so similar to Belle’s, is pulled back into a ponytail. They’re even both wearing jean shorts and pink shirts. The two of them look more like siblings than Belle and I do. Belle squeals and runs to hug Millie. I get up off the ground and dust myself off, then take my turn for a hug.

Holding out my hand to Kai, I pull him up. “Sorry,” he says, but the smile tells me he is absolutely not sorry.

“You wouldn’t like it if I bragged about fucking your brother. Which I did. Often,” Mav says deadpan, walking by us with an armful of presents. Kai’s face is a mixture of shock and disgust, making me laugh so hard I have to bend over and grab my knees to catch my breath.

By the time I’m able to get myself together, Logan is standing in front of me with a baby strapped to his chest. He’s smiling at me, holding out his hand for a shake. I take it and shake. I’d hug the man if there wasn’t a fragile baby in the middle. Hell, I might kiss him to thank him for how he’s handled us postponing the tour.

“Thanks for inviting us,” he says. “It’s Valerie’s first birthday party invite, and Millie was thrilled.”

“You guys are always welcome here,” I say honestly. Harlow meets my eye, and I gesture for her to stand with me. “This is my wife, Harlow,” I tell Logan once she’s by my side.

Logan’s eyes flare slightly before he composes himself, ever the distinguished businessman. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Harlow,” he says, shaking her hand. “I’m Logan and this is my daughter, Valerie.”

Harlow gushes over the new baby as Millie walks up to us. She quickly introduces herself to Harlow and the two take off to get Cora ready, chatting about surprising people with husbands as they walk away.

“That’s going to be dangerous for us, isn’t it?” Logan says, watching them disappear into the house.

I laugh. “She’s already best friends with my sister and best friends. It was inevitable for her to scoop Millie into her circle too.”

“So. Wife?” Logan asks, hitching one eyebrow.

I shrug one shoulder. “I knew the moment I met her. She filled a hole in my heart that I didn’t even know I had. Making her my wife just made sense.”

“When you know, you know,” he says, looking wistfully in the direction Millie went.

“Are you going to explain that one?” Willa asks, arms crossed and looking annoyed. She’s in a pink shirt and jean shorts too. Harlow told everyone to wear pink, and it seems we all went for a pink shirt and jeans of some variety.

I smile. Willa hates not knowing things, so this is really pissing her off. “No. I think we’re going to keep that moment to ourselves. Something perfect and special that’s just ours.”

Willa narrows her eyes as she studies me. She must find what she’s looking for because she nods and walks away.