“Now that you can’t profit off our pain, do you plan to quit?” he asks between clenched teeth.
Alright, we’re going for broke here.
“No. I love Cora. I love being part of her life. I love being part of your life and being your friend.” The word ‘friend’ feels wrong on my tongue, but that’s all we’ll ever be. Especially now. “I had no intention of deceiving you. Podcasts can take years to take off. I would never have left you high and dry.”
“You love Cora?” he asks, only slightly less angry.
“How can you even ask me that? That little girl stole my heart the moment I walked into this house, and you know it.” It’s my turn to be pissed.
“Yeah. I know, Firecracker.” His lips twitch with the hint of a smile.
“Since we’re laying the cards on the table,” I say, crossing my arms and glaring at him. “What the hell is with the dual personalities?”
Cal shakes his head. “You’re the only person that’s ever noticed.”
“Not an answer, Cal.”
He sighs, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I don’t. I just keep my arms crossed and glare. But he waits.
“Goddammit,” I mutter, taking the seat next to him.
“Has Belle ever said anything to you about how we grew up?”
I shake my head. “The only thing I know is what you told me that first day. Your mom doesn’t know, and you want to keep it that way.” My eyes go wide. “She knows now! Shit.”
“Don’t worry about that right now.”
“Fine, but I’m going to worry about it later.”
Cal chuckles.
“My mom was and is all about appearances. She married my dad because he made good money. She became friends with Kai and Ezra’s mom because Adira was popular in social circles. She had kids because it was what you did to secure your husband.”
I scrunched up my nose in disgust.
“Yeah. She was never really a mother. She didn’t work and was somehow still less of a parent than my dad, who worked two jobs to keep up with her spending.”
“I can see where you didn’t want her in Cora’s life. She would just use her for money or clout or something.”
Cal nods. “She would.”
“What does this have to do with your dumb man act?”
“My mom never really liked Belle for some reason. Willa’s theory is that Belle is prettier than my mom, and my mom hates her for it. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but Belle would always be pushed on me. When we were small, I was resentful that I always had to take my baby sister everywhere, but as we got older and had the same group of friends, I became protective.”
“You divert the attention and alleviate the stress by acting stupid and making jokes,” I surmise what I already figured out weeks ago. I just didn’t know the why behind it.
Cal’s eyebrows shoot up. “I shouldn’t be so surprised you figured that out.”
I shrug.
“I’ve been doing it for so long, I don’t think they know what my actual personality is.”
“Do you?” I ask.
“I think you might be the only person who does,” he admits softly.
“I’ll help you figure it out.”