Page 40 of Tears on Her Grave

Jenna blew out a long sigh. “Thanks, that would be great. I’ll send them to the DA along with my report and drop by as soon as we have transported the prisoner to the hospital for treatment and then dropped by to see Shane. Talk soon.” She disconnected and looked at Kane. “She sounds fine. I don’t figure the shock of what’s happened has set in yet.”

“She is tough, like you.” Kane shrugged. “She’s made it through many life-threatening situations without PTSD. She’d make a good soldier.”

Shaking her head, Jenna stared at him. “Maybe, but if you value your friendship with Wolfe, please don’t suggest that to her.”

Rio and Rowley arrived, followed by the paramedics, and soon the prisoner was safely on his way to the hospital. Aseveryone drove away, leaving them standing on the side of the road, Jenna leaned into Kane. “I said we’d catch him, didn’t I?”

“I never had any doubt.” He slid one arm around her and pulled her close.


Although she hadn’t said a word, Jenna appeared to be tired as she climbed into the truck. Kane hadn’t missed the way she rubbed her lower back. He turned to her. “It’s been a long day. Do you want to take a break before we go and see Wolfe?”

“No, I’m fine. Although, I seem to be getting back pain and my ankles are swollen, but my energy level is high.” She gave him a concerned stare. “I hope the adrenaline rush I got when we were flying up and down the mountain isn’t detrimental to the baby.”

Unable to give her a solid answer, Kane shrugged. “I guess that’s something you’re gonna have to discuss with Wolfe. From the books I’ve read about pregnancy, it says that the bump shouldn’t be showing much at this stage, but it’s very evident that you are pregnant. You’re only a small person, maybe the extra weight is causing the backache?”

“Well then, God help me when I get to nine months.” She grinned at him. “Maybe I’ll need to use a wheelbarrow or something similar to take the weight.” She thought for a beat. “I’ll speak to Wolfe. He did mention about wanting to do another ultrasound at five months. I’m past that now.”

When they arrived at the medical examiner’s office, Wolfe met them in the passageway with a grim expression. Kane clicked his fingers for Duke to come to his side and then followed Wolfe into his office and placed the ax on the desk. “I’m assuming that Emily called you? Rest assured we have the man in custody. I shot him and he’s currently at the hospital receiving treatment with Rio and Rowley.” He pointed to the ax. “This might hold the evidence that seals this guy’s fate. So far, all we have him on is attacking Norrell and Emily.”

“If y’all give me a moment before I talk to you about Norrell, I’ll get Webber to swab the ax and get the samples into the DNA sequencer. We have a new machine that completes rapid DNA sequencing in a few hours with higher accuracy than ever before.” Wolfe picked up the ax and marched out of the door. In a few minutes he returned, went to the coffee machine, and brewed three cups of coffee. After handing them around, he went back to his chair. “Norrell called me before and explained what happened. Have you identified the man?”

“Yeah, his name is Clint Wasser. He was one of our suspects. We interviewed him but had no evidence to haul him in.” Jenna added cream and sugar to her cup of decaf and sipped. “I’m sure glad I sent Raven to keep an eye on Norrell and Em.”

“Yeah, I am in his debt yet again.” Wolfe leaned back in his chair, coffee cup in his large hands. “From what Norrell said, Wasser was intent on killing her. He rammed the truck countless times until he pushed it into the gully. If Raven hadn’t come along when he did, Wasser would have killed them with the ax just like the others.”

“Emily called me. She mentioned that Norrell has a bruised arm and a few cuts from the broken glass but insisted on going to the crime scene.” Jenna rolled her eyes. “They both want to get evidence against this guy.”

Kane leaned forward in his chair. “Talking about evidence. Have you found anything? We need all the help we can get to charge this guy for murder.”

“I’ve completed the autopsy on Lily Jones. She died from blood loss. I’m not sure she would have been a very exciting kill for this murderer. When someone’s hands are severed, the blood loss is extreme, and thankfully, she would have lost consciousness before he’d finished satisfying his lust for killing.” He took a long sip of his coffee. “We took samples all over the crime scene and tested Lily for latent DNA, and apart from the bloody boot marks, the killer didn’t leave a trace except for one laceration. It appeared different when I examined her, dirty around the edges, for want of a better explanation. It’s hard to explain but I examined it microscopically and found foreign matter. I tested it and it’s dried human blood. It is being tested as we speak. If it comes back as a match to Marissa Kendrick, it’s the evidence you need to prove it’s the same killer.”

Smiling, Kane glanced at Jenna. “If the ax that Wasser was using has traces of Lily’s blood as well, we’ll have absolute proof that it was him.”

“I’d say the chances are really high.” Jenna leaned back with a sigh. “I figure he was concerned about what Norrell would find at the crime scene. So there is evidence against him there for sure.”

“I’ll get information to you, as soon as possible.” Wolfe smiled at her. “How are you doing, Jenna? When you’re done with this case, we’ll need to make time for another ultrasound.”

“I have a sore back and swollen ankles. Dave believes I look bigger than most second-trimester women.” Jenna leaned forward in her chair. A hopeful expression crossed her face. “Are you sure we’re not having twins?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Wolfe leaned forward and rested his hands on the desk. “It would be very noticeable in the ultrasound wedid earlier. I did mention last month when I examined you that the baby appears to be very large for its gestation. As Dave mentioned, he was an extremely large baby, so this isn’t at all unusual. It might mean that you deliver a little earlier, is all. If you’re certain about your dates, we’ll leave the delivery date at the same time.” He opened his hands wide. “I can assure you it’s nothing to worry about, although going forward you might need to consider just how long you intend on working. If you’re having backache and swollen ankles now, it’s not going to get any better and you’ll need to take it a little easier toward the end. I don’t mean sitting around all day doing nothing, because gentle exercise is good right up to the last minute.” He gave her a long considering look. “It’s not too late to call in an obstetrician. I’m only a GP when it comes to dealing with the living, as is Norrell. I could perform a cesarean in an emergency but I’m not a specialist. Would you at least consider having an obstetrician examine you and we can have them on call should the need arise?”

Holding his breath as he waited for Jenna to reply, Kane caught the flash of defiance in her eyes. Ultimately it was her decision, but he couldn’t resist offering his opinion. “I know we’re doing the classes and you’ll have me there as well, but wouldn’t it put your mind at rest knowing that there’s a specialist waiting in the wings if you need one?” He searched her face, hopeful she would agree with him.

“Do you recall the night that Sandy had her twins?” Jenna looked from one to the other as she referred to Rowley’s wife. “She delivered them surrounded by family. All I want is the same for our baby.” She sighed. “But if you consider that it would be best to see an obstetrician just to check that everything is okay and have them on standby should the need arise, then I’ll agree.”

“Okay, I’ll make a call.” Wolfe rubbed his hands together. “I’ll arrange to have them present when you have the nextultrasound. I’ll make sure to tell them that you don’t want to know the sex of the baby. It will probably mean looking away from the screen for a time during the examination. Sometimes these things are a little difficult to hide.” He gave Jenna a broad grin and glanced at the clock on the wall. “Now, it’s way past your lunchtime and you’ve been on your feet all day. I suggest you go and have something to eat and rest up for a while before you head back to the office.”

“I guess I can email the statements and all the information to the DA over lunch.” Jenna stood slowly. “I’m starving. I believed this eating for two thing was a myth until it happened to me.” She patted Duke on the head. “Wanna go to Aunt Betty’s, Duke?” The dog barked and wagged his tail.

Kane stood. “Thanks for the cup of coffee. It’s been a long day and I figure it’s gonna get longer.” He followed Jenna out of the door.


Jenna walked into her office waving the arrest warrant. “This will hold him until we have more evidence on the murders. The DA is willing to do a deal with anyone who’s prepared to talk about what happened to Cole and Abby. Is Wasser back from the hospital yet?”

“Yeah, he’s in interview room one with Sam Cross.” Kane leaned back in his chair and smiled at her. “He’s in a wheelchair but it seems I didn’t inflict as much damage as I imagined. My bullet missed the bone and took out his calf muscle, so no surgery, but I’d say he’s got a fair few stitches.” He stood and went to the refrigerator, poured a glass of milk, and gave it to her. “I anticipated the deal offer and sent Rio and Rowley to round up the rest of the suspects. They have been bringing them in, but I can’t split them all up. I placed Wyatt Twotrees and Josie Campbell in interview rooms two and three. That leaves no room for the other two.”