About fifteen minutes later, Sam Cross came over to their table and asked if he could join them. Jenna looked at him and smiled. Although Sam Cross, being a defense attorney, was never on her side, she had no reason not to be cordial toward him. “Yes, of course. What’s on your mind?”
“I’m aware that you know the group of people sitting at the booth in the corner.” Cross gave her a long considering stare. “They’ve hired me as a group to represent them in a case against the sheriff’s department for harassment. It seems, as they were friends of the two deceased people you discovered in the river earlier this week, you’ve taken it upon yourself to go to their places of business and cause them considerable embarrassment by making it appear they’re involved in the murders. Then again, this morning, you not only called them to insist they verify their whereabouts for the previous evening but followed this up with calls to their families to verify the information. This is blatant harassment as you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever thatthis group of people was involved in the murders of their friends.”
Bristling, Jenna stared him down. “That group of people has admitted being with Cole and Abby on the night they disappeared. It is only natural we’d question them during our investigations. One of their group, Marissa Kendrick, was found brutally murdered at the Old Mitcham Ranch. Their other friend, Lily Jones, was decapitated behind the beauty parlor last night.” She took a steadying breath but didn’t break eye contact. “There are no other suspects for these crimes. We have reason to believe from the evidence we’ve gathered over the last week that one or all of these people were involved in the murders of Cole and Abby. You’re very welcome to lodge a complaint against us with the DA, but at no time did I or my deputies threaten any of them. In fact, each one we interviewed cooperated.”
“It seems to me that they’ve something to hide if they hired you.” Kane pushed his empty pie plate into the middle of the table. “It’s their prerogative to lawyer up and remain silent, but that won’t remove them from our suspects list.” He glanced at his watch. “We need to go. We’re attending a press conference.”
“Stay away from my clients.” Cross looked from one to the other.
Keeping her anger in check, Jenna stood and slid into her coat. She looked at him. “You’ll be the first one I call when we haul them in to charge them with murder.” She turned and followed Kane out of the café.
Gripped by a sudden rush of nerves, Norrell stepped out onto the steps of the medical examiner’s office to greet the press. She carried a notebook with a list of points just in case she had a sudden lapse of memory. Beside her, Wolfe gave her a nod of encouragement. Behind her, Jenna and Kane walked through the door. Having Jenna there to take questions about the progress in all the murder cases took the edge off her nerves. Although Jenna had mentioned she preferred Rio to take the media conferences, in this case, as she intended to withhold information from the press, she’d decided to do it herself. Taking a deep breath, she stepped toward the podium Wolfe had placed at the top of the steps. Being above the noisy throng of reporters helped.Where have all these people come from?
“Dr. Larson. James Wright,Black Rock Falls News.” The man rushed up the steps and stuck a microphone in her face.
“Mr. Wright, Dr. Larson is going to issue a statement.” Kane stepped forward and ushered the man back down the steps. “There’ll be time for you to ask your questions after that. Please remain at the bottom of the steps. Crowding around Dr. Larson won’t get your questions answered. She’ll just turn around and go back inside.”
Norrell placed her notes on the podium and looked out at the crowd of people staring at her. “Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Norrell Larson and I’m a forensic anthropologist working in the medical examiner’s office. On Monday two bodies were discovered in the river. The mummified bodies are the remains of Cole Peters and Abby Jaye. The students of Black Rock Falls College were reported missing twelve years ago over Halloween. After careful examination, I’ve determined that they are victims of homicide. The bodies are extremely well preserved, and we have gathered evidence, including DNA, which we are running through data banks as we speak.” She took a deep breath. “Over the last week extensive searches have been made of the area around the Whispering Caves. We have now discovered a crime scene. Evidence was found at the scene, and tomorrow morning, weather permitting, my team will begin excavating the site.”
“Sheriff.” A man from the middle of the crowd pushed forward. “Do you have any suspects?”
“Yes, we do.” Jenna glanced over at Norrell. “Although we are waiting for DNA evidence. We’re expecting to uncover more from the scene tomorrow. From what we’ve uncovered so far, we already have enough to make a case. What Dr. Larson finds at the scene will be the icing on the cake.”
More questions were addressed to Jenna and she answered them in her usual professional way. Mr. Wright, with a nervous look at Kane, positioned at the foot of the steps, came to the front of the group again and stuck out his microphone. Turning to Wright, Norrell waited for his question.
“You mentioned DNA and yet the bodies were floating in the river for a time. Wouldn’t that have contaminated the DNA? How can you be sure that the results are from the killer?”
Gripping the podium, Norrell nodded to the man. “I understand why you’d be confused. Fresh DNA has a different appearance than DNA from a long time ago. The DNAcame from under Abby’s fingernails. The sample of skin was dehydrated in the same manner as the bodies. There was some deterioration but not enough to damage the strand. As there are other factors involved here, which at this time we’re not prepared to divulge, it is imperative that we excavate the crime scene, which is situated in the Whispering Caves.” She scanned the crowd.
“You said that the bodies were mummified. Did the killer wrap them in bandages and then bury them in the caves?” A woman holding up her phone to record the conference, narrowed her gaze at Norrell.
Trying not to laugh, Norrell shook her head. “The victims were buried in dry sand and over time, rather than decomposing, the sand absorbed the moisture from the bodies, causing the dehydration.”
“So how come they suddenly showed up in the river?” The same reporter held an expression of disbelief. “Do you figure someone dug them up?”
Glancing over to Jenna for support, Norrell sighed with relief when she stepped up to the podium. “Sheriff Alton will explain.”
“As you are aware, over winter we had a number of avalanches in the mountains caused by seismic activity in the area.” Jenna scanned the crowd. “In one section of the Whispering Caves, fissures formed in the mountainside. They filled with snow and froze. The pressure of the ice opened the cracks during the melt and a part of the mountain above the caves crumbled away. The subsequent torrential rain we’ve experienced over the last four weeks poured through the caves, taking the sand with it and depositing it alongside a newly formed riverbank on its way to Black Rock River. We assume that the bodies were washed along with everything else. The force of water coming down that side of the mountain is extreme. I might add, at this point, that there is no danger to thepublic from falling rocks at this time.” She stepped away from the podium.
“Sheriff.” Wright waved his microphone. “What evidence do you have and how were the victims murdered?”
“I’m unable to divulge evidence at this time.” Jenna stared at him as if daring him to ask her another question.
“Do you believe this murder and the murder of Marissa Kendrick are connected? She was in that group of friends that went to the mountain that night, wasn’t she?” Wright held his microphone steady.
“Undetermined at this time.” Jenna lifted her chin. “When we have solid information and not hearsay, I’ll issue a media statement.”
Norrell stepped up again. “If there are no other questions, I have work to do. I’ll release a media report when I’ve analyzed the data.” She waited for a few moments and then turned and walked back inside the medical examiner’s office.
“That was brilliant.” Jenna walked beside her. “You gave them just enough to hold them off for a while.”
Concerned about her trip to the mountain, Norrell looked at her. “Do you figure they will show up in a horde to watch me?”
“You might get the odd onlooker, but it’s doubtful anyone would want to traipse up the mountain in this weather. Not with the number of hungry bears hunting for breakfast.”
A shiver of fear skittered down Norrell’s back. “I’m not really equipped to take on bears. I couldn’t shoot one or anything.”