Instead of heading into the cottage, they walked to the backfield to follow their nighttime ritual of checking on all the animals. The ritual had always brought peace to Kimi. “My grandmother always insisted we check on the animals before we went to sleep. She said she could only have a restful night if she knew the creatures in our care were resting as well.”
Garrett lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers. The gesture always made her feel loved. “I wish I’d known your GG. I think I would have liked her a lot.”
Kimi nodded. “She would have loved you and your big heart.”
The bunnies were sleeping happily in their stall. The kittens were able to roam, but a few returned to this stall at night to hang out with their friends. Others had moved into Garrett’s barn and still others wandered the land.
Outside, they chatted with Snoops and the tiny pygmy goat who’d decided the cranky donkey was his best friend. They checked on the other goats and the pigs, the rheas and the peafowl, then crossed over to Garrett’s side to check on the horses. Inside the barn, all four nickered softly as they walked down the aisle.
Kitty and Onigis had decided inside was okay as long as their friends were inside, too. Kimi stroked her mare’s neck. “I’m glad you’re comfortable inside now. Winter is always around the corner here in Vermont, and you’ll be happy to be inside where it’s warm.”
Several cats roamed the barn while Bill meowed from the top rafters.
As they turned back, Kimi squeezed Garrett’s hand. “I’m so proud of you and what you’ve done. What you’re going to do.”
“I wouldn’t be doing a thing without you and that horse of yours.”
She laughed. “You’re never going to let Onigis forget that she’s the reason I pulled a gun on you, are you?”
“Not a chance. You could have blown my head off while standing barefoot and wearing barely-there shorts. I nearly lost my mind when I finally saw you.”
Another laugh. “Right. You were steady as a rock. You were more concerned that I was abusing my horse than anything else.”
He laughed, too. “Nah. Well, only for a minute until you asked if I was thinking of hurting your horse. Then I knew you were okay.”
She bumped his hip. “I was just glad I didn’t have to shoot that sexy ass of yours.”
“Me too.”
On the way out of the barn, he detoured into the tack room and grabbed a couple of thick blankets. Then he steered Kimi toward the backfield.
He climbed the fence, and when Kimi did the same, he leaned forward to kiss her. “Hold that thought.”
He hopped over the fence and spread out the blankets, then set his Stetson on one corner.
“Do cowboys always remove their Stetsons before kissing?”
He grinned and moved to stand between her knees. “Only if they’re worried they’ll get carried away. A man’s hat is important. And if they’re doing the kissing thing right, it’s going to get knocked off. Better to keep it safe in the first place.”
She sparkled at him. “Are you planning on getting carried away?”
When she leaned forward to hop down from the fence, he held up a hand to stall her movement. “First, I have a plan.”
She grabbed onto the fence and steadied herself but didn’t say anything.
He ran his hands up and down her legs and then up her arms to cup her face. “You’re an amazing woman, Kimi, and I love you so damn much. I want to spend my life with you. At your side, at your back. I want it all.”
He dug into his pocket and took out the ring. “This belonged to mygrandmother, and I know she would be thrilled if you wanted to wear it. She would also completely understand if you think it’s too old-fashioned or not your style. In fact, that would make her laugh. So, it’s okay if you want a different ring, but I wanted to have something when I did this properly.”
Kimi swallowed hard as tears filled her eyes and love filled her heart.
Garrett lifted her left hand and held up the ring. “Kimi, will you marry me?”
Her heart filled. “Yes, absolutely, yes.”