Page 55 of No Bones About It

They didn’t take any chances, though, and took their time loading the dogs one by one into kennels. Again, none of the dogs reacted with aggression, although a few showed some fear. Gentle words and small treats helped. The kennels were all lined with soft mats, and each included a durable chew toy.

The transport vehicle had solid walls separating the kennels. These dogs weren’t used to being next to each other unless they were in a fight, so they didn’t want them to see each other.

Kimi had to blink back tears as Astro was loaded onto the transport. She wanted to take him back to her place, but at the moment, the dogs were evidence in the case.

Garrett hadn’t left her side throughout the long night, and she leaned into him as the transport vehicle drove away. Terese thanked them all for their efforts and left to follow the dogs.

Their friends from Phail were chatting with Shirisha, so they joined them. The agent smiled. “Got word from the hospital. Brandon’s wound is clean and stitched up. He’ll need to take it easy for a while, but he’s going to recover completely.”

“That’s fabulous news. I’m so glad.”

“I am, too. He’s an excellent agent and an even better man. Thank you again for your help tonight. All of you. I may have some questions for you over the next bit, but your role in this is pretty much over. We’ve got an overwhelming amount of evidence to break this ring permanently.”

Best news of all.

Kimi returned the burner phone they’d given her and looked down at her clothes. “Sorry about the outfit. I tossed the jacket in the bathroom garbage because it was covered with Brandon’s blood. I can retrieve it and get it all dry cleaned for you.”

Shirisha laughed. “No thanks. Toss it. Or keep any of it if you want. With the amount of dirt and dog drool on you, I think the rest of the outfit’s toast, anyway.”

Relieved she’d be able to throw out the clothes without guilt, they said their goodbyes and headed to the vehicles. They still had a ninety-minute ride before she could shower away this day.

But they’d all survived it, and the dogs were in a better place now. All in all, a very good day.


Dog Tired

Garrett was relieved when Marcus turned into the drive leading to Kimi’s cottage. Addy had texted to let Kimi know she and Nina had done a final check on all the animals for the night. Other than the fact that two kittens had escaped their stall by climbing up the hay bales, there had been no problems. They’d returned the escapees to the stall and added another bale for the night to keep them inside. The kittens were pretty much ready to explore on their own, so it wasn’t a big deal.

After they climbed out, Garrett leaned down to talk to his friend through the window. “Thanks for everything, Marcus.”

Marcus nodded. “Anytime, Scooby. You two did a great job today. Get some rest.”

Marcus drove out, leaving them standing in the quiet of the dark night, although it was edging closer to dawn. He lifted Kimi’s hand to kiss it. “Want to do a perimeter check on the gang?”

She smiled softly. “I trust Nina and Addy to have done everything, but I’d like to see them with my own eyes.”

Understanding her need to see happy animals safe in their own places, they walked to the paddocks. Snoops brayed his annoyance atsomeone interrupting the night. With a happy gasp, Kimi pointed at Onigis’s paddock. The mare stood completely inside the shed. Popcorn and Raspberry curled up at her feet while Butter slept on a hay bale next to the mare’s head.

They watched for a few minutes, then quietly moved to the sideyard, not wanting to disturb the group. In the back fields, the pygmy goats were curled up in one corner near the sheep, while the pigs crowded together in their pen right opposite the trees where the peafowl roosted with the rheas.

All safe. All happy. Including Olaf, who was enjoying his sleepover with Animosh. Garrett wanted to see him, but he’d wait until morning.

As they walked back toward the cottage, a low whistle had their attention turning to where Heath walked their way. Olaf let out a single happy bark and barreled away from Slick and across the field toward Garrett and Kimi.

The dog ran under the fence and straight to them. Garrett waved at Heath, who turned back to his home, and then he knelt down to run his hands all over the happy dog.

Olaf squirmed and licked and bounced, thrilled to be reunited with his humans. Garrett didn’t bother to dial back his own joy as he lathered attention all over the dog.

Kimi sat on the ground, and Olaf licked her face and wriggled in her lap before bouncing up to do the same to Garrett.

When he realized tears were streaming down her face, he sat and pulled her to his side. Olaf spun around in happy circles and then plopped down to lie across both of them. His doggy grin had the final slivers of Garrett’s heart stitching back together. “Shaggy would have liked you, Olaf. You’d have made a good team.”

Kimi’s head rested on his shoulder, and she wiped the tears from her face. “I wish I’d met her.”

He kissed her hair. “Me too. She would have loved it here. She’d be in doggy heaven with all these animals to play with.”

“I bet she would have been an excellent therapy dog.”