Page 92 of Death and Donuts

“I am,” I said. “But it was good that I had to work. It kept me moving.”

“Well, if you need any other activities to keep you moving, let me know. Otherwise, time to sleep.”

The feel of his fingers running through my hair followed me into my dreams.

Before I even opened myeyes, I knew Shepard had taken Cross’ place. Cross held me like he couldn’t believe he was holding me, but Shepard wrapped me in his arms like he was afraid I’d escape.

I dragged my hand over the arm caging me from behind. A soft growl reverberated through him, and he tightened his hold when I reached his hand.

“Squeeze any harder, and I’m peeing your bed.”

He chuckled and immediately released me.

“Be right back,” I said, climbing out of bed.

I took an extra moment to brush my teeth before I left the bathroom.

Shepard welcomed me with open arms and held me just as tightly, burying his nose against my neck and breathing me in.

“I guess things weren’t good last night?” I asked.

“Things went from horrific to bleak,” he said. “We found five more—I don’t even know what to call them other than body dumps.” He sounded so sad and tired. “So many people, Everly. It explains why all the nests we found seemed newly turned.”

“Because they were?”

He nodded. “Cross is trying to establish trust with the newer ones he comes across to find out where and how they were turned. There are older vampires out there hiding, just like Adriel and Vivian. Cross thinks his ex is behind this. If she is, she has a network of people helping her.”

“You mean humans?”

“There’s no other way for her to stay so hidden.”

“What can I do to help you?”

“This,” he said, snuggling me closer.

“While you might like this, it’s not actually getting anything done. What if I agree to meet with her and bring you and Cross with me? She didn’t seem bothered by the idea of Cross and me meeting with her before.”


That was it. Just one word. It should have annoyed me, but honestly, I was a chicken and didn’t want to meet Cross' ex either.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Shepard lifted his head and looked down at me as I twisted to look back at him.

“Make it harder for them to stay hidden. Too many people have been found to keep this quiet. The police will make a public announcement today.

“Things are going to change quickly,” he said. “I want you to promise you won’t go anywhere alone.”

I smoothed my fingers over his cheeks, noting the stubble.

“Thank you for worrying about me,” I said. “But I’m not asking Detroit to walk me to the bathroom at work.

Shepard scowled at me. “You know that’s not what I was asking.”

“Not yet. But the more you worry, the more you’ll unconsciously smother my freedom. What I’m willing to promise is that I won’t turn off my tracking and will let you know wherever I’m going whenever I leave, okay? I swear I’ll be mindful of the higher danger and not do things that will cause you to worry.”

I saw the disagreement in his gaze and kissed him lightly. When he opened his mouth to argue, despite the kiss, I kissed him again. With tongue.