“If you’re worried that I’ll quit Blur, stop. I’m not going anywhere. I like my job here. The hours and pay are dependable.”
His shoulders relaxed slightly. “Good. I want you to achieve your dreams, Everly. Truly. Actually, I was hoping you could come up with recipes for Blur. You could make a name for yourself here before you expand.”
“Griz is the head chef. He comes up with the recipes.” I’d met enough chefs to know they were territorial about their kitchens.
“Yes, but his focus is on savory appetizers and tapas. We’ve never had sweet options, and I’d like that to change. But let’s table this discussion for now. I need to give out assignments before we open.” He moved toward me as if to escort me out of the office.
“Not so fast. You never gave me the update you promised. People are still going missing. I heard another person disappeared recently.”
He placed a soothing hand on my arm. I soaked up its warmth but refused to step aside until I got an update. Both Shepard and Cross didn’t like to include me on the vampire hunt, and honestly, I was okay with not knowing everything. But that didn’t mean I wanted to live in D.C., oblivious to what the vampires were up to after that huge fight between vampires and werewolves a few weeks ago.
While the vampires had taken a considerable hit to their numbers that day, including Adriel, the vampire Miles and Sierra had known as Master, many vampires were still alive, including Adriel’s lover, Vivian, who he’d affectionately called Pet. I didn’t even want to think about what level of grudge Vivian and his followers were carrying now.
“We’re still working on it,” Shepard said when he realized I wouldn’t be placated. “I’m looking into the most recent disappearance to see if it’s vampire-related. Cross is…working on his end as well to assist us.”
I smiled at him. “By the way, thank you for helping Cross get set up with papers and facilitating his purchase of the former Juicy building.”
“I did it because he’s the lesser of two evils and because you asked.”
My smile widened, and Shepard leaned in.
“I’d do just about anything for you, Everly.”
Someone cleared his throat behind us. “Everyone is assembled,” Anchor said. “I’ll just…” I listened to his footsteps retreat as Shepard closed the distance between us and kissed my forehead.
“I meant what I said, Everly. Anything.” He took my arm and escorted me out of his office to release me just outside the employee room so I could enter first.
Vena gestured for me to join her as the rest of the assembled staff continued to converse.
“Why is your hair a mess?” I asked, reaching up to smooth her silky dark hair back into place. “And your tie is crooked…” Realization hit me, and I lowered my voice to scold her. “Seriously, Vena, here?”
Her cat-like grin made me cringe.
“People can hear and smell things here.”
She snorted, which earned her a raised brow from Shepard as he went over assignments for the night.
“Never mind that,” she whispered. “Did you see the group text from Miles?”
Shepard had a rule about not using phones on the floor, but since I wasn't technically on the floor yet, I pulled mine out of my pocket and peeked while everyone started filing out of the room.
Miles’ text to Vena and me had photos of a library filled with books and a long hallway with intricately carved stone walls. I wasn’t an otherworlder nerd like Vena and Miles, but even I was impressed with the history shown in those two pictures.
Vena had already sent a response asking if any of the books were for sale. Each one looked old and was labeled in dwarvish. She was obviously already searching for literature for Cross' new business.Ourbusiness, technically.
“Problem?” Shepard asked, startling me.
I glanced up and saw that Vena had slipped out of the room without me. Probably to chase down Anchor again.
“Not a problem,” I said, facing Shepard. “Just got a little lost in thought.”
Worry seeped into Shepard’s gaze as it lifted from my phone to me.
“Is Miles in trouble? That hall looks familiar.”
I chuckled and shook my head. “I understand why trouble was your first thought, considering everything that’s happened recently. But I promise you don’t need to add us to your list again. Miles is with his parents, meeting with dwarven royalty tonight to discuss a map they found a few weeks back. Actually, it’s the one they mentioned the night you met them. Miles is just geeking out over all the cool stuff he’s seeing for the first time.”
“Why’s Vena interested in books?”