Page 77 of Death and Donuts

He glanced over briefly. “I thought it was a penny for your thoughts.”

“I like cookies better. What’s on your mind?”

“Safety. I have extra guards around the complex but haven’t made any changes at Blur. Since Adriel and Orphia are gettingmore aggressive, I think it’s best if you don’t go to work tonight. You’ll be safer at my place.”

“I’ll be safe at Blur, too. Your staff is already ninety percent wolves, and I don’t want to stay at home while everyone else is doing their part. I can at least make sure you’re not short-staffed at work by being there.”

“You forget that Blur has already been attacked once. It could happen again.”

“I didn’t forget. It was attacked by vampire minions, not vampires. Vena and I were able to fend for ourselves by barricading ourselves in your office. And I’m wearing a new protection necklace that’s a thousand times better than my old one.

“Actually, this might be a great opportunity,” I added.

“Opportunity for what?” he asked.

“If Adriel really wants to meet with me, he would probably rather take the chance at Blur than at your house. Then your guys can capture him, and we can put this all behind us.”

“I’m not using you as bait,” Shepard said.

“It’s not a horrible idea,” Cross said. “I can be backup.”

“We’re not using Everly as bait,” Shepard reiterated. “But if you insist on working tonight, you’re in the VIP section, Cross will monitor outside, Anchor will remain the VIP bouncer at the stairs, and Vena will work in the section closest to Anchor.”

I quickly agreed.


After storingmy things in my locker, I headed upstairs to the VIP section. Two wolf-sized men came from Shepard's office with tool belts slung on their hips. When they passed me, I glanced down the short hall to find they’d replaced Shepard’s door.

Walking over, I looked at the heavy steel door with a ridiculously large bar lock on the inside. This door might have been useful in a bank or a panic room, but not in a club.

“It’s reinforced and will keep out anyone trying to get in,” Shepard said behind me, making me jump. He placed a calming hand on my shoulder. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I didn’t hear you,” I said then pointed to the door. “Tell me you didn’t get this installed because of our talk in the car earlier.”

“I could. But it’d be a lie.”

“Shepard, this is over the top.”

“No. It’s what I should have had in the beginning to keep my staff safe.”

I eyed him. “As long as it’s for everyone.”

“I’m about to announce it in the meeting.”

Knowing he had already assigned me to the VIP section, I went to the staff meeting with him anyway, wondering how the others would react to the door.

When we were assembled, he doled out the section assignment for the night.

“Just a quick announcement before you go to your section,” Shepard said. “Considering past events and current public safety concerns, I installed a reinforced door in my office. If another break-in happens or you feel unsafe, go to my office and secure the door. Please watch out for your fellow coworkers so they get to safety as well.”

Thomas raised his hand. “Do you think we’ll get attacked again?”

“No. I’ve added extra security measures to minimize that risk. The door is a backup. Any other questions or concerns?” No one spoke up. “Alright. Let’s have a good night.”

When we filed out, Vena slid up next to me. “Did something happen that I don’t know about?”

“A surge of protectiveness. It’s either the door, or we have to stay at home.”