“What happens when I turn seventy?”
His gaze lifted and locked with mine. “I will hold your hand just like I am now and continue to love you for the rest of your life.”
It was my turn to look away.
“I frightened you.”
“No. You just gave me a lot to think about.”
The door behind him opened, and Shepard strode in.
“What are we thinking about?” he asked.
Cross smiledas Shepard took the empty seat beside me.
“Everly is going to think about moving in with me.”
My gaze ricocheted between Shepard and Cross. Was Cross purposely antagonizing Shepard? I thought they’d moved past that.
Neither one seemed upset, though.
Shepard simply nodded and leaned back in his chair.
“It makes sense she’s thinking of future living arrangements now that Vena seems committed to Anchor. It won’t be long before Everly is alone in that house, and that’s not something either of us want. If she plans to run the bakery, which requires waking early, living above it would save her time in the mornings.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“With those extra bedrooms you have, I wouldn’t mind staying over too and getting away from everything myself from time to time.”
The amused tilt to Cross' lips grew more pronounced.
“Extra rooms? I thought you and I could share.”
I untangled my fingers from Cross' and stared at the pair, unsure what to think of the teasing.
The door opened again, and the server entered with an appetizer and another place setting for Shepard. When the door closed behind him, I was again the center of their attention.
“Not that I mind, but why are you here, Shepard? Did something happen?”
“I wanted to make sure you were all right. Doc arranged everything for your family so they’ll be safe. They won’t be alone, even on the ship. A mated pair is going as well, discreetly keeping an eye on them.”
“Thank you. That makes me feel better. Can you afford to send any of your people away now, though?”
“The pair is expecting, so they don’t mind leaving D.C. right now. And not having to watch your parents’ home actually helps. I can reassign those people to search for the man who approached you earlier and to the market. I heard what happened this morning and how close you were to being hit by the spell.”
“What spell?” Cross asked.
“Remember that chaotic moment I mentioned? Anchor stepped in to break up a fight between a dwarf and a woman who specialized in powerful protection charms,”—Cross nodded subtly that he understood who I was speaking of—“and got hit by a spell meant for the dwarf. I wasn’t in any danger at all.”
“What happened to Anchor?” Cross said.
“Nothing,” I said, fighting not to flush. “He’ll be fine.”
“He’s currently impotent,” Shepard said. “According to Anchor, it will wear off after a certain number of…er, attempts.”
I’d expected Cross to laugh because, truthfully, it was a little funny. But he wasn’t laughing. He was staring at me with an expression that would have chilled me if I’d thought it was directed at me.