I had my keys in hand and was out the door before either could say anything more. The elderly man across the street was walking away in front of our house with his granddaughter as I left. She looked at me and waved. I waved back. Her grandfather didn’t acknowledge me as I got into the car, but I was used to that.
Cross was waiting for me on the sidewalk outside the bakery when I pulled into the parking lot.
“Is this some kind of sixth sense thing, or did Vena tell you I was on my way?” I asked as he opened the door for me.
“Both,” he said. “She sent a message, but I can feel when you’re near, too.”
“Handy,” I said.
He escorted me inside, and I looked around at the changes. The broken bits of wall were gone, exposing some of the exterior brick. Skeleton walls made up of boards were being installed by some workers while other workers were running wires and metal tubes through finished sections of skeleton walls.
“Impressive,” I said. “It’s moving faster than I thought.”
“I’m paying for speed.”
“Speaking of paying, thank you for the necklace,” I said again, touching the gems I’d purposely not tucked away. “I think it probably cost you more than I’m comfortable with you spending on me, though. Especially when you’re already paying for all of this.”
He gently pulled me into his arms.
“There is no need to worry about what’s been spent. Once this place is established, I will earn more.”
His soft brown gaze held mine, both reassuring and alluring.
“Okay, but please don’t do something like that again without talking to me first. A plain necklace that’s powerfully spelled is more practical than this one.”
“I disagree. Rubies have inherent protective qualities, which make that necklace stronger.” He pressed a finger to my lips when I would have said something. “However, I promise to discuss with you any future purchases that will affect you.”
I nipped his fingertip and thanked him.
His eyes went full black.
Capturing his face, I brought his closer to mine and let my nose brush his as our mouths remained scant inches apart.
“Your eyes,” I said softly.
He closed them. “I like the playful version of you, Everly. Very much.”
Smiling softly, I brushed my lips against his.
“You say that now. Wait until I start something I can’t finish.”
He chuckled and groaned at the same time.
“I look forward to the experience.”
Cross heldout the chair for me then placed my napkin on my lap before he claimed his seat.
“When you said lunch, I didn’t think you meant this fancy, or I would have changed clothes,” I said.
He flashed a smile at me.
“You’re beautiful the way you are. If it makes you more comfortable, think of this as research. I heard the chef was a nymph and thought you’d like to sample the food.”
Nymphs weren’t very common at all, and I was curious what a nymph would serve.
My phone buzzed with an incoming text.