Page 26 of Death and Donuts

Interest and desire lit his gaze. “Ask me anything, pet?”

“What kinds of desserts do fae like to eat? Beignets? Dacquoise? Something simpler like an English biscuit? Or maybe like a Japanese cloud cake?”

He laughed, and the sexy sound wrapped around me.

“You truly are curious, aren’t you?”

“I am. I’ve been wanting to eat at Enticed but keep forgetting to make the reservation. They have fae desserts, right? Not just desserts that cater to humans?”

“You are a delight,” the fae said. “Give me your number, and the next evening you’re available, I’ll take you to Enticed myself.”

“Tempting, but did you see that trim brunette with a pout downstairs? She owes me a dinner there, and if I go with you first, she’s not going to pay up, so I’ll have to decline.”

“For now, then.”

I smiled and left their table. When I approached the bar, Detroit looked at me questioningly. I nodded to indicate that everything was fine and waited for him to fill my next order.

By the time the end of the shift finally arrived, my feet hurt, and my pocket held a neatly folded hundred-dollar bill in my collection of twenties.

“I can see why you don’t want to count that downstairs,” Detroit said, watching me.

I wrinkled my nose and handed him the bartenders’ cut. “After Sierra’s jealousy over how much more I make in VIP, I’d not rub it in with the others.”

He nodded and continued to clean up behind the bar while I wiped tables. Vena wasn’t anywhere in the main bar when I finally descended. Anchor was, though. He stood at the bottom of the steps, waiting for me.

“She didn’t talk to you?” I asked.

“No talking. No teasing me by dropping things. Not even a glance. What happened, Everly?”

“I think sexual frustration combined with not hearing from her family and a best friend who was maybe a little firmer than she should have been got to her. I’ll talk to her, okay? And nicely this time. I promise.”

He nodded. “The fairy trash was good, by the way.”

Everyone behind the bar seconded his sentiment, and I waved goodbye to them as I headed to the kitchen.

Vena wasn’t at the time clock or waiting by the back door. When I couldn’t find my keys, I had a teeny bit of concern she’d left without me. But when I opened the door and saw Shepard standing outside, he nodded toward my car.

“She’s waiting for you. I am too.”

“Why? Did something happen?”

“Yeah. My second-best server wasn’t on her game tonight, and I’m worried about her.”

“I’ll let her know. Thanks for caring, Shepard.”

“Always. Pick you up tomorrow at noon?”

“I’ll be waiting.”

A hint of gold flashed in his eyes. Pretending I saw nothing, I walked to my car and got in next to my silent best friend.

I waited until we pulled out onto the road to apologize.

“I snapped too hard at you, Vena, and I’m sorry. Anchor’s worried about you.”

She sighed heavily and looked out her window.

“Do you know why I’ve been pushing you to play with Shepard and Cross more lately?”