I held them up to look at them but found myself stolen from Shepard—he didn’t protest—and carried to the bathroom where Cross put some ointment on the marks and wrapped them.
After, he left me alone to wash up and dress. I had some bruises on my arms and legs where Vivian had grabbed me, but nothing more serious than that. It could have been much worse and just added to the bruises left over from the car accident.
At the appointed time, Vena and Anchor met us at Shepard’s SUV.
It didn’t take us long to reach the location that Hugh had selected. It was the same restaurant Cross had taken me to a few days ago. It looked a little different today, though. Rather than tuxedoed men waiting to open the doors for us, two men in all-black gear guarded the entrance and nodded to Shepard as our group of five approached.
Inside, another set of men waited. They didn’t talk to us as they stood sentinel outside the only open door in the hallway. The room was larger than the previous private dining room we’d used.
We were the first to arrive, and Hugh greeted Shepard warmly.
“Welcome, Alpha. Your guard may sit on the chairs against the walls. Help yourself to the appetizers on the table, and order whatever beverage you would like as we wait.”
He turned to Cross and extended his hand. “Brodier Cross, it is a pleasure to meet you. I’ve learned much about you in the last twenty-four hours.”
“Just Cross,” he said, shaking the man's hand, then eyeing the table that had name cards already set out. “We’ll need another chair at the table.”
“Oh?” Hugh asked.
“Everly sits with us,” Shepard said, placing an arm around my shoulders.
“I can sit off to the side with Vena and Anchor.”
“No,” both Cross and Shepard said at the same time.
Hugh smiled. “Consider it done.”
With a gentle wave of his hand, two attendants helped move a chair and added a setting, putting me in between Shepard and Cross.
King Curran and Princess Indri entered with Tryn, the head of His Majesty’s personal guards, before they finished. Tryn scanned the room and moved off to the side by Vena and Anchor.
“It is good to see you both again,” Hugh said. He shook the king’s hand but brought the princess’ hand to his mouth in a mock kiss gesture that made her weary expression turn lighter.
Curran turned to Cross and Shepard, offering his hand in greeting. Although he was polite, I could feel his impatience.
“I’ve heard the death toll is climbing, Alpha, and the vampires are as skillful at evading your efforts to find them as Adriel is at evading mine. What do you plan to do next?”
“Queen Effora should arrive soon,” Hugh said. “I would prefer we wait to begin our discussion until then.”
Curran grumbled under his breath. “This problem won’t solve itself while we stand around the table.” But he took his seat.
We followed his lead.
I nibbled on a few appetizers at Cross' encouragement and made small talk with the princess in an attempt to distract the king from his impatience. However, once the appetizers were gone, Curran began getting antsy and checked the time often. Irritation turned to anger when it was a few minutes past the appointed time and still no sign of the fae queen.
Cross reached under the table and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. At the same time, Shepard looked at the door.
One of the prettiest women I’d ever seen entered the room. Her silky blonde hair was woven with strands of diamonds that sparkled in the light. Her eyes were the lightest shade of blue, and her dress showed off all her attributes to the fullest.
Her expression lit as soon as her gaze landed on Shepard. She veered over to him, standing next to his chair. He stiffened when she rested her hand on his shoulder.
“You are looking as delectable as ever,” she said, drawing a line with her long fingernail down from his shoulder to his chest. “After this meeting, I think you and I should have a private one.”
Poor Shepard, always the gentleman, looked flustered at how to handle her without causing offense or making a scene in front of the others. I had no such problem when he fisted his hands under the table. I reached over with my free hand, set it over his, and leaned forward to claim Effora’s attention.
“Queen Effora, I presume,” I said.
Her gaze lifted from Shepard and swept over me. “You must be Everly. I can see the attraction.” Her gaze shifted back to Shepard. “You should bring her with. Our time together would be positively delicious.”