That left one simple solution—I just needed to bite my tongue or cheek.
No problem. You can do this, Everly.
I sucked the side of my cheek between my molars and bit down. My eyes watered, and I felt a loose bit of skin, but there was no metallic tang of blood. A tear spilled over and tracked down my cheek as I tried again.
It hurt so damn bad, but I finally tasted blood.
The pair by the bed hadn’t moved. Good.
Come on, Cross. Come and save me already.
While I thought that, I carefully turned my hands in their bindings, trying to find where they were tied. I was all for a good rescue, but I wasn’t about to sit still and hope it would be in time. I had way too many close calls for that. My fingers found the end of a rope, and I traced it as I glanced at the windows again.
Just when I thought I’d found the knot, which I could barely touch with the tips of my fingers, something crashed below us. I was the only one who flinched. My gaze darted toward the opening in the railing that led to whatever was below us.
Please be Cross. Please be Cross.
I heard a faint scrape of noise. The room instantly brightened as three lamps turned on in the loft. I glanced away from the gap in the railing for less than a second. When I looked back, Vivian, Adriel’s lover, stood there.
He wore the same black leather pants as the last time I saw him and a black t-shirt that accentuated the dark makeup around his eyes.
His lips curved as he inhaled deeply, and I watched the telltale black veins spread out from under his heavy makeup.
“What did you do?” he asked more calmly than I would have thought he possessed. “I smell your blood.”
When I didn’t answer, he blurred and was suddenly in front of me.
He had his tongue inside my mouth before I knew what was happening. But it was over as soon as it had started.
He grinned at me. “Calling Cross to save you? I didn’t think you had it in you to hurt yourself on purpose. I thought I’d have to do the honors for you.”
My mind slowly caught up to what he was saying.
“YouwantCross here?”
“Not just him. Where Cross goes, a certain wolf will eventually follow. And they will pay dearly for nearly killing Master.” He went over to Harper and ran his fingers over her hair.
“Don’t hurt her,” I said.
His gaze whipped to mine, and he grinned right before he blurred.
My wrists burned as he tore me from the chair and threw me face-first into the mattress. He landed on my back, his hips pinning mine as he straddled me.
“She’s not the one who’ll hurt,” he growled in my ear. “They tossed Master into a mass grave like garbage to be forgotten. Master gifted them the same, only with their precious humans. But I want more.”
Vivian’s hand fisted the back of my shirt and yanked hard, the force of it pulling me up as the material tore. I tried to scrabble away, but he shoved me back down. What was left of my shirt disappeared.
“I had nothing to do with what happened at the alpha fight,” I said desperately.
My need for Shepard and Cross to save me warred with my fear for them. Why did Vivian want them to come here? What did he have planned?
Vivian grabbed my shorts, and I struggled in earnest to dislodge his weight.
“This isn’t about revenge,” I shouted. “This is about getting the rings for Orphia, you sick prick.”
“I don’t give a damn about the bitch. She might be my queen, but she is not my master.” He leaned down, his breath tickling my neck over my frantic pulse. “Only Adriel gets that title.”
My body jerked as he ripped my shorts free.