Page 97 of Death and Donuts

“Focus on the vampires. I’ll be fine.”

I felt queasy about the whole thing. Violated even. But I hadn’t lied. I would be fine…after a good cry session in the privacy of a warm, comforting shower where there were no witnesses or sensitive ears.

After he left, I convinced Cross to drive me to his hotel room for the night.

“Did the feeders have any other messages?” I asked after Cross closed the door to the room.

“Only the one. They didn’t seem to know anything else.”

“Do you need to get out there, too? I’ll be fine here. I’ll lock and bolt the door.”

“My only job tonight is to take care of you and to stay in touch with Shepard. And since I take my job seriously, you’ll find everything you need in the dresser and in the bathroom.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Take a look.”

I headed to the dresser to find it filled with clothes in my size, in styles I would have picked out for myself. They were all cute and comfortable looking.

My lower lip trembled at the thoughtfulness, fueling my already overwhelmed emotions. Cross stepped behind me and hugged me to him as he kissed my neck lightly.

I patted his arm instead of speaking. After taking a steady breath, I stepped out of his hold and went about my nightly routine. Then, I crawled into bed with Cross, who was waiting for me with open arms.

A showerof gentle kisses over my face and down my neck slowly woke me.

I made a pouty sound. “Sleep…”

He chuckled.

“I’ll feed you if you open your beautiful eyes.”

I did and saw the room was just barely lit by a crack in the blackout curtains.

“What are you going to feed me?” I asked.

He sat up and took a plate from the side table.

“Eggs Benedict with hash browns if you’re interested.”

“I’m interested.”

I hurried to sit. He kissed my forehead and handed over the plate. While I took my first bite, he propped pillows behind me so I could eat in bed.

“Would you like to hear the latest news?”

“Please,” I said, feeling decidedly royal with the breakfast and the personal news update.

“The police are identifying the people found at the dump sites. They aren’t just from the D.C. area. Although many were homeless, some were people traveling, and some were from surrounding areas. Only a very few were residents who’dbeen reported missing. The number of missing persons still unaccounted for concerns Shepard and the liaison.

“Shepard has told Hugh that the problem is too big for his people alone, even though he’s calling in for reinforcements. Don’t worry. Not whole packs. Just extra members from packs because he doesn’t want those cities left defenseless.

“Because of the extra manpower needed to continue the hunt, Blur will be closed for the foreseeable future.”

I stopped eating to stare at Cross.

“You won’t be idle. There’s still plenty of work for you to do at our place.”

It wasn’t just Blur closing that had me feeling like my world was falling apart.