“Yes. It’s the liaison,” he said with a defeated sigh.
“Liaison to what?”
“Your kind. He is the go-between for your higher-ups and otherworlder higher-ups. I’ll have to talk to him.”
Communication was normally a good thing, but one glance at the black-suited men who got out of the SUVs told me they might not be very good at communicating with words. However, the back door opened, and a different type of man stepped out.
His honey-blonde hair brushed the collar of his tailored suit. He radiated a manicured flawlessness that didn’t seem human because it put me at ease and made me want to please him.
“Is he fae?” I asked.
“No. He’s human. The liaison is always a human that the fae gift with immunity from outside influence and an ability to calm. The side effect is a confidence that draws other humans in, which is probably what you’re feeling right now.”
Shepard opened his door. “Don’t worry. Hugh is harmless enough and good at his job, even without his gifts. Let’s see what he has to say.”
They disappeared inside before Shepard opened my door. He carried the cheesecake and held it away from Boulder, who was sniffing appreciatively as he held the door open.
“That smells delicious.”
“It might become part of the menu,” I said. “That’s if Chef likes it.”
Shepard handed it off once we were inside, kissed my forehead, and left to meet with the liaison. I veered to the kitchen where Griz and Gator were prepping for the night.
“I brought lemon ricotta cheesecake as promised.”
Griz stopped chopping onions to inspect it. “Looks and smells light and refreshing.” He cut into it with a clean knife and placed a slice on a plate. “Visually appetizing.”
I felt like I was in class, but I knew Griz didn’t mean it like he was grading me. He was telling me what he was both looking for and finding.
Picking up a spoon, he dug it into the cheesecake. “The right density.” He sampled the bite and nodded. “Light and refreshing as it looks with a balanced amount of sweet and tart.
“Well done, Everly. I think this is a perfect pairing for the lamb skewers. Let’s offer it to regulars who order lamb skewers during tonight’s service. Head out to the bar. Buzz has something for you to try, too.”
I couldn’t help but smile. It was one thing to get compliments from friends and family, but it was another to get it from someone who took cooking seriously and understood the complexities of taste and texture.
My joy faded a little when I walked out to the main bar and saw Buzz and Tank both quietly standing there with their heads cocked and vacant stares. Buzz held a finger to his lips and slid a drink toward me as he listened to whatever was being said upstairs. I silently sat on the barstool and sampled the pretty purple drink.
A short while later, the liaison walked down the stairs with his guards and left.
Buzz sighed and looked at me. “No need to threaten me with Anchor’s overzealous mate. I’ll tell you anything you want to know as soon as you tell me what you thought of the drink.”
“It’s good. Too fruity to drink a lot of, which is good because it’s strong.” I took another small sip. “Lemon, blackberry, and mint?”
He nodded. “To pair with your cheesecake. See if you can sell them as a set.”
“You got it. Now, what’d you hear?”
“Shepard explained the trouble he’s having getting the fae queen to help. The liaison is setting up a meeting for all the leaders. Shepard, Curran, Effora, and Cross–even though vampires have never been included before.”
The way he said it told me what he thought about that, but I wasn’t offended. Prejudices were hard to shake. That Cross could walk into Blur without being attacked or chased was major progress.
“How long will Shepard have to wait to hear back from him?”
“Not long. The liaison doesn’t play.” He gave me a reassuring smile, and I slipped off my stool to get ready for my shift. That was how Vena found me by the lockers when she came in.
“Hey, my sister from another mister,” she said. “Did you miss me?”
She wiggled her eyebrows and hugged me.