Page 74 of Death and Donuts

“I’ll join you,” Gunther said, standing. “It’s better to go out in pairs.”

“He’s right,” Anchor said. “I was distracted at the market, and that’s how the note got into Everly’s bag.”

“That’s not your fault,” Vena said, passing my phone to Shepard so he could send the video to himself.

“I’ll meet you out front,” Gunther said to Anchor, leaving with the other guy.

Vena nodded and frowned at me. “I thought Asherah was crazy powerful. How did they get her?”

“According to the queen, fae and vampire ‘relations’ aren’t uncommon,” Shepard said. “She thinks it’s consensual.”

“That didnotlook consensual,” I said.

“I agree.” He handed me back my phone then wrapped an arm around my shoulders, comforting me.

“The woman in the video, Asherah, was supposed to be looking for information on Adriel,” I said to Mrs. Hunter. “I think that’s why they took her.”

“We need to know how to kill him,” Vena said, “Or finding him won’t do us any good.”

“Then while you and Anchor are out scrying, we’ll do what we do best and start researching,” Mr. Hunter said.

“But we’ll need our laptops and a few other things from home,” Mrs. Hunter said. She turned to Shepard. “Is it safe for us to go?”

“Without knowing where Adriel is, nowhere is safe right now,” Shepard said. “Until this matter is resolved, the safest place for you and your family is here. Since Everly needs to packfor a longer stay, too, I’ll take her home, and then we’ll run to your place to pick up what you need.”

They agreed, and while Mrs. Hunter started a list of what they’d need, Shepard and I left. Gunther nodded to us on our way out to the parking lot. When we sat in his SUV, he sent a message to Cross, asking him to meet at my place.

I smiled.


“Nothing. I just like that you didn’t pull one of your guys and asked Cross instead.”

“He’s useful, especially when it comes to you. And I’ll always keep my word.”

He started the SUV and took my hand once he was headed down the tree-lined drive. The ride was quiet with both of us lost in our thoughts until he parked in front of my house.

He paused before getting out and watched Cross and the neighbor girl, Harper, play catch on the sidewalk. Although she and her cranky grandpa lived across the street, I didn’t interact with her often. Still, she was a cute kid, maybe six years old.

She waved at us when she saw me, all smiles and teeth.

I glanced from Cross to Shepard and saw he was still staring.

“You okay?”

“He keeps surprising me.”

With a grin, I hopped out and met Cross and Harper.

“Can you play hide and seek with me today?” she asked me. “Grandpa keeps wheezing cuz of his allergies.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t today. I’m actually here to pick up a few things and leave.”

“Where are you going?”

“A friend's house.”

She looked from me to Shepard, who seemed even larger next to the girl.