I touched the gems, unsure what to say, and watched him inhale deeply.
“You’re worried I don’t like that he gave you something. Don’t worry. I’ll never deny you the protection you need, Everly. Even if it’s from him.”
Shepard closed the distance between us and caught me up in his arms. Holding me, he kissed my damp neck lightly, adding the scrape of his teeth. “Just…please don’t pull away from me.”
I wrapped my arms around his waist and let myself melt into his hold. He growled against my skin but didn’t press for anything more than simply holding me.
“I’m not pulling away from you, Shepard. Dating two people is new to me, and I don’t want anyone hurt.”
He released his hold around me to smooth back the wet hair from my face. “Is that what we’re doing, Everly? Dating?”
My stomach dipped. “Isn’t it?”
His slow smile melted my insides. “I hope so.”
He kissed me tenderly. It stole my breath and made me want to hop up and wrap my legs around his waist.
When he broke away to look at me again, I exhaled shakily.
“I think I need to understand your boundaries, Shepard. I don’t want to accidentally do anything that would lead you to believe I’m ready to be mated to you. Is the line sex, or is it before that?”
He swallowed hard, and I watched his eyes change from grey to gold.
“Are you asking because of Cross, or are you not yet ready to commit to any relationship?”
I thought about it. The idea of a solid relationship wasn’t off-putting. Maybe because I found someone worth liking. As soon as I had that thought, I knew it was right. Yet it wasn’t a single someone but two of them.
“It’s about Cross. I like you both,” I said.
Shepard let out a long breath and smiled slightly.
“I need you to translate your reaction for me,” I said.
“I can handle that you want Cross, too. It’s the idea that you’re not yet ready to settle down and want to dateother men…” Another tremor ran through him. “I think we’ve progressed too far for me to handle that well.”
“But you’re fine with me seeing Cross?”
“Playing nice with him to be with you isn’t a sacrifice. It would never work if he were like the rest of his kind. But he’s different and keeps you safe when I can’t. So I’m willing to make him the exception.”
His sincerity burned through me, and I rose to my toes to brush my lips against his.
“So what does that mean exactly for the line? Is it at third base or second?”
“There is no line,” he said roughly before kissing me hungrily.
All my teasing thoughts fell away under his barely-checked aggression. His hands roamed under my towel, along my sides, igniting my need for more. I tugged at his shirt until my fingers slipped under to tease over his sides in return.
He growled and picked me up without breaking the kiss.
My back pressed into a mattress, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. It had the opposite effect than I’d been hoping for.
He broke off the kiss and looked down at me.
“You’re addictive, Everly. I understand what you want and will do my best to respect it.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Change. I’m going to shower and cool off.”
He left me, and only after I listened to the door close did I try sitting up. The towel had come loose and needed an arm to keep it pinned in place. I didn’t have to worry, though. The bag he’d brought was right next to me.