“I think it’s time to get you back home.” Shepard stood and held out his hand to help me stand.
“Thank you both for everything today,” I said.
“It’s my pleasure. Always,” Cross said. He looked at Shepard. “Less pleasurable with you, but we can work on that.”
“But it was a pleasure for me, Cross,” he said as he walked me out the door, leaving Cross with the bill.
I heard Cross’ low chuckle trail after us, and Shepard grinned. Once we were outside, we waited for our vehicles.
“With everything that’s happened today, I’ve asked Vena to pack you a bag and bring it with her to the complex,” he said. “It would be safer for you both to avoid your house for a while.”
“Does that mean we’re imposing on your personal space again?”
“It’s never an imposition to have you there, Everly. Since Vena’s parents are already there, I believe Vena will stay with them.”
If her mom had anything to say, Vena would be sharing a room with Anchor, but I didn’t say that.
Shepard followed me in his SUV, and we reached his complex in no time. The lights were still on in the massive building as we parked near the front entry door. Six kids ran out of the building, carrying nets and jars.
“What are you hunting?” Shepard asked as we approached.
“And what will you do with them after?”
“Release them. Mom said I couldn’t use them as nightlights.”
Shepard tousled the boy's scruffy brown hair. “We protect, not harm.”
“I know.”
“Good. Have fun with the others. But stay near the house and guards.”
Only when Shepard said “guards” did I notice men stationed around the house.
When the boys ran off, I asked, “You didn’t use to have guards outside, did you?”
“No. With the current situation, I want to ensure we keep an eye on the pack.”
“And the kids are safe out here?”
“There are men stationed out in the woods, too.” Shepard took my hand and walked me inside. “Even though we’re not in an ideal situation, it’s important for kids to still be kids. Until something makes that change, I’ll give them as much freedom as possible while still ensuring their safety.”
We walked through the entryway, and the woman behind the reception desk, off to the side, gave us a curious but friendly glance as we passed. The halls were fairly quiet as we navigated our way to Shepard’s suite.
From staying with him before, I knew the room was broken into two sections with a living area and a small kitchenette. On either side of the living room was a door–a guest room and the master suite. Shepard's room also had a private patio overlooking the wooded park.
It was like being at a resort.
“Make yourself at home,” Shepard said. “I’ll get your bag from Vena.”
Alone, I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush waiting on the counter then showered.
When I emerged, wrapped in a towel, Shepard stood in the bedroom. His hand fisted the bag he held as his gaze swept over me. Fine tremors ran through him.
Thoughts from the last time I’d seen his control fray collided with my normally sensible thoughts. I liked that I made him struggle.
“Nice necklace,” he said.