Page 54 of Death and Donuts

I might have squealed a little at the thought of baking with shiny new Vulcan equipment. And I’d be the head baker. The space was all mine.

It was a dream come true. While I knew it was all due to Cross and not because of my skills or hard work, I didn’t let that get me down. I would prove to him that taking a chance on me was the right decision.

Me: I’m excited to work with the new equipment, but isn’t it too soon? Don’t the contractors have a lot of work to do?

Cross: Crews are already working. They’ve assured me that they’ll be done in time.

Me: That fast?

Cross: Padding their quotes with extra money helped.

I wanted to tell him not to rush on my account, but I knew the rush wasn’t about me. Cross’ vision to bring the races together could only start once the business was running. And then there was the whole need to get inside information to help Shepard flush out the vampires.

Me: Just don’t go broke on my account.

Cross: If it’s for you, I’d gladly be poor. But don’t worry, Everly. I have means beyond the coins of which I still have plenty. Trust me.

Me: I do.

“I need to go to the Shadow Trade market,” Vena called from the living room. “The internet isn’t giving me the information I’m looking for. Everly, you in?”

I stepped into the archway so she could see me. “I was going to bake. Anyway, you know how I feel about that place.”

“It’s perfectly safe.”

Anchor raised a brow at her.

“Reasonably safe,” she amended. “Just stay in the front section.”

“Is that where you’re going?” I asked, knowing she’d be all over that place.

“Anchor can stay with you while I walk around,” Vena said.

“I’d rather stay home and have Anchor go along with you.”

She opened her mouth to try to persuade me, but Anchor put his hand on her knee. “We’ll go after Doc gets here. He can stay with Everly. Why don’t you get ready?”

Vena set her laptop on the coffee table and popped off the couch. “I’ll grab my book list for our new place too. Cross let me know the contractors already started working on it, so I can scout for books while we’re at the market.”

I returned to the kitchen, happy that Anchor wasn’t scared off by Vena’s tenacity even as I acknowledged what that meant for our relationship.

A heavy sigh escaped me, and I realized it wasn’t the first when Anchor asked if everything was all right.

“I’m fine,” I said.

I focused on baking until Doc showed up. Vena and Anchor called out that they would bring home dinner then left.

“I’m not sure if you know this, but a person’s scent changes with their mood,” Doc said from nearby.

I glanced over my shoulder to find him leaning against the counter.

“Oh? Did you smell the hormones as they left?” I asked.

“No, I’m smelling your sadness. It’s not like you.”

“Not true. I’m human and female. There have been loads of times I’ve been sad. Just about every time I see a fairy or Vena eats my leftovers.”

He chuckled. “I don’t see any fairies, and your garbage is empty. What has you sad this time?”