“No. I don’t,” he admitted when I remained quiet.
“Should I shower again?”
He stared at me for a long moment before saying, “I’m going to ask Indri to check you for bites.”
Give in to your hidden desires…
“Why ask Indri?” I drew my top over my head and tossed it to the bed beside me.
I didn’t care that the door was smashed and standing wide where anyone could pass by. Only the way Shepard’s gaze raked over my exposed breasts mattered.
He swallowed hard and shook his head slightly.
“You’re right. He might have bitten me somewhere else,” I said, hooking my fingers into the waistband of my shorts.
Shepard crossed the space between us and captured my hands before they descended more than a centimeter.
“Everly,” he said, his voice carrying just the right amount of growl to make me breathless. Yet, I also heard the warning and saw his resistance.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. “You threatened to strip me more times than I can remember just last month. Did you change your mind? Are you no longer interested in seeing me?”
I watched his pupils dilate and shivered in anticipation.
Give in to your hidden desires…
“Kiss me, Shepard,” I said softly. “Show me you still want me like I want you.”
He groaned and released my hands to cup my face. The kiss he laid on me conveyed every ounce of his hunger. I kissed him back with as much need, using my hands to push his shirt up his abs so that he would understand he needed to get rid of his top too.
He tore his mouth from mine and ripped off his shirt. I watched him toss the shredded material to the side and shivered with anticipation as he placed a knee on the mattress. My breathing hitched, and I reached for his shoulders. He made a pained sound as I smoothed my palms over them and down his chest.
Then he trapped my hands under his.
“What are you touching, Everly?” he asked.
“You. Your chest.”
“And what do you feel?”
My face flushed. “Horny. Are you going to make me beg, Shepard? I didn’t think you’d be so petty.” Yet, I wasn’t unwilling to beg. Anything to get him to touch me like I was touching him.
“You don’t have to beg for anything, beautiful. I’d gladly give you the world without you needing to ask for it. But I’m worried this isn’t you. The Everly I know would have noticed the blood soaking her palm. She would have been worried that I’d been hurt.”
My gaze flicked to his bloody chest and skimmed over the wounds.
“That was before I saw how fast Doc healed on my couch after the fight. These scratches are already closing. I didn’t think they’d bother you enough to stop this from happening. But if I was wrong…”
I tried removing a hand, but he caught it fast.
“You’re not wrong. I’m just terrified this isn’t you, Everly. Why now? A day ago, you weren’t ready for this.”
“A day ago, you asked me to give you a chance, Shepard. Do you know how many near-death experiences I’ve had this summer? I’m tired of overthinking everything and denying myself what I want.”
“What do you want?” he asked.
His eyes glinted with gold. His body crashed into mine, knocking me back into the mattress. The press of his hot chest against mine was almost as good as the way he was tenderly kissing my brow and nose and lips.