Page 44 of Death and Donuts

“And as you suspected, he didn’t act on his own. He was used like a puppet,” I said gently. “You saw how Cross made him answer his question, right? The other vampire, Adriel, had the same control.”

“No,” Cross said. “He has more control over Miles. I can only make Miles do something within his nature without taking his blood. After drinking from Miles, Adriel can make him do anything. Even things he wouldn’t normally do.”

“So, would you blame the puppet or the puppeteer?” I asked the king.

I already knew who Miles would blame. He’d feel guilty about this for the rest of his life. And Vena…I didn’t even want to tell Vena.

“I never should have given Hakon the ring.” Curran made a choked sound and pressed a handkerchief to his eyes.

Indri wrapped an arm around his shoulders as Shepard led the way back to their living space.

“I don’t understand what’s happened,” Indri said when the doors closed behind us. “Did a vampire ask a human to kill my brother because of the ring?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Shepard said.

Curran ushered her to the sofa. I sat on an intricately carved wooden chair that had a padded seat while Shepard and Cross remained standing.

“Adriel is an extremely dangerous vampire,” Cross said.

“We thought he died at the alpha challenge,” Shepard added, “but found evidence an hour before I contacted you that he hadn’t. He’s not like other vampires. He can change form into a cat. It allows him to move around in daylight and may be how he managed to sneak into your mountain.”

“But why would a vampire want a ring?” Indri asked. “The ring’s only purpose is to find minerals and gems.”

Curran wiped his eyes before looking at his daughter. “There are things I have not told you. Our ring isn’t as simple as it seems.”

“None of them are,” Cross said, holding up his hand to show his ring.

“Which is why we must protect them,” Shepard said. “All of them.”

“Yes. Of course. It is gravely troubling that a vampire wants them.” Curran glanced at Cross.

“I agree,” Cross said. “And I don’t believe he is working alone.”

“A month ago, we discovered the vampires had set up a blood center of sorts,” Shepard said.

“They were keeping feeders, collecting their blood, and making it available to any vampire,” Cross said. “It enabled them to remain hidden in plain sight within the Alpha’s territory until Everly revealed their location.”

Both Shepard and Cross glanced at me, and I could feel the weight of their warning never to do anything like that again. Did they honestly think I’dwantedto discover a hidden nest of vampires?

“Once we flushed them out, they went into hiding,” Shepard said. “I thought they’d scattered. Instead, they’d regrouped and attacked the night of the Alpha challenge in an attempt to get my ring. However, my people, with Cross' help, ended the attempt quickly.

“We need to do the same now. With your permission, Cross and I will scour the mountain for Adriel.”

“Granted,” the king said. “But when you find him, I ask that you return him to me alive. I am owed a life and a ring.”

“You have my word,” Shepard said before looking at Cross.

“One of us should stay behind,” Cross said.

“This is a mountain, not a grocery store,” Shepard said. “I can’t do it alone.”

“What if you leave us with a couple of guards?” I said. “Cross can make sure they aren’t under Master’s control before you go.”

Cross still looked uneasy but nodded.

Once he decided on two guards, plus Tryn, they left, and we were locked in.

“Thank you for trusting us,” I said to Indri and Curran.