Page 43 of Death and Donuts

Within a few minutes, I spotted a silver guard in the hallway ahead.

“Open the door,” Curran said.

The guards hurried to obey and stepped aside so Cross could enter the room first. I was two steps behind him and saw Miles sitting at a small table. With an angry gaze so unlike his usual teasing one, Miles watched us enter.

Shepard took my hand as Cross stepped in front of Miles.

“Stand and face the king, Miles,” he said.

I appreciated the kindness in his tone and watched Miles' gaze immediately soften as he did what he was told.

“Miles, you will answer our questions honestly and fully to the best of your knowledge, including suspicions and guesses. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Miles said.

Cross gestured to Curran, indicating it was his turn.

“Why did you kill my son?” the king asked in a choked voice.

“Master told me to.”

My stomach sank, and a chill raced through me.

“Who is Master?” Curran asked.

Miles cocked his head to the side as if confused. “He is Master.”

“Master is a vampire also known as Adriel, who attacked during the Alpha challenge a month ago,” Shepard said.

“When did Master tell you to kill the prince?” Cross asked. “Be specific.”

“He came to me four days ago. He said I needed to follow my parents into the mountain and kill the prince.”

The tears that had pooled in Curran’s eyes quietly spilled over.

“Did he tell you why?” Shepard asked.

“He wanted the prince’s ring.”

“Where is Master now?” Shepard asked with an angry growl.

“In the mountain.” Miles smiled, an odd tilt to the corner of his mouth. “He’s been waiting for you.”

“Is that why you sent a text asking us to come to the mountain?” Cross asked.

“Yes. Master wants all the rings.”

Fear crept along the back of my neck as I understood what we’d done. We’d gathered two of the rings in the same place where Master had already managed to steal one.

“Did Master feed from you again since the incursion at the alpha challenge?” Cross asked.

“No,” Miles said. His gaze finally shifted to me. “He’s hungry for something sweeter.”

Shepard swore softly and motioned for Curran to step out into the hallway. He waited until Cross joined us and the door was shut to speak.

“We have a lot to talk about, but not here. Please keep Miles locked up for now. He’ll be safest here.”

“Of course he’ll be locked up. He killed my son.”