Page 115 of Death and Donuts

“You’re not getting away this time, fleabag,” Vena said under her breath.

The cat’s head turned toward our vehicle, and it hissed before running and jumping onto the hood of our SUV. Then, it sat, lifted a leg, and started licking itself.

Vena exploded. “Mother fucker, you’re mine.”

She had the door open before I could stop her.

“Vena, no!” I slid across the seat to grab her, but she was too fast.

She bolted for the front of the car as I clasped the open door. From the corner of my eye, I saw Vivian’s veiled head turn toward me.

It felt like the world dropped out from under me. Everything slowed.

Vivian blurred. I heaved back on the door. Then, he was there, in the opening, his hand holding the edge of the door. A red glow emanated from under his veil.

I couldn’t see his face, but his low laughter sent a shiver through me as he easily opened the door again. I heard him inhale deeply, and what he’d said the last time played in my mind.

You smell delicious when you’re scared.

Twisting, I tried scrambling across the seat. His hands closed over my calves, and he jerked me backward.

My belly slid along the seat, and I scrabbled for anything to hold onto. My fingers caught on something hard as he shifted his hold to my waist and plucked me free of the vehicle. I held onto the object as panic and fear flooded me.

He flipped me to face him, and I lashed out without thought while screaming my terror.

Vivian screamed and dropped me, clawing at his veil and the shiny handled knife sticking from it. Vena’s knife.

I screamed again and tried crawling back to my seat…to safety. I didn’t get far. The sound of Vena’s yelling and a cat’s screeching barely registered over Vivian’s cursing and the feel of his hand closing over my ankle.

His grip vanished suddenly, and I was left panting and shaking on the seat. I didn’t linger there. Bolting upright, I twisted around to grab for the door. Instead, I saw the back of Cross' very bloodied shirt filling the opening.

He jerked a few times then disappeared.

Eyes wide, I stared at the spot where he’d been. The harsh sounds of my gasps filled the interior of the car.

Where did he go?

I wanted to look but couldn’t tear my gaze from where he’d been…from where Vivian had been.

“Everly!” The sound of Cross’ voice snapped me out of my daze. I blinked and saw him in front of me.

He carefully removed the bloodied shirt, leaving his clean chiseled torso bare to my gaze. After mopping off his arms and hands with the shirt before tossing it to the side, he stretched a hand out toward me, and a tormented cry ripped from me as I threw myself into his arms. I pressed my face to his chest as I closed my eyes.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, smoothing a hand over the back of my head.

“No.” The word warbled. “Is he gone?”

“Vivian is gone. He ran.”

A shaky exhale escaped me, and I leaned back to look at Cross.

“Thank you for stopping him.”

He tilted his head and looked at me.

“I didn’t stop him. You and Vena did.”

“What do you mean?”