Page 102 of Death and Donuts

“Thanks to you, I’ll have my revenge for what they did to my true master. And I’ll enjoy every second of it, too.”

His palm rubbed over my exposed butt cheek before he slapped it hard. Panic slammed through me, making him laugh.

“You smell delicious when you’re scared.”

A crash sounded downstairs half a second before Vivian flew from me.

I scurried off the bed to crouch against the wall as two blurs slammed together.

They were too fast to see, but the fallout wasn’t. The table broke. A lamp fell over, the bulb shattering. The mattress flipped off the bed.

I was so busy watching the carnage that I didn’t notice a third blur until Adriel stood by the railing, holding Harper over the abyss below by an ankle.

Cross came to an abrupt stop, holding Vivian by the neck. Blood poured from Vivian’s multiple wounds, and his head dropped forward as he clutched Cross’ arm.

“Stop,” Cross ordered.

“An exchange. Pet for the girl.”

“And the others.”

Adriel snarled but agreed. “On the count of three.”

“One—” Adriel dropped the girl.

He and Cross blurred at the same time. Cross streaked down the stairs while Adriel whisked Vivian over the edge.

I dashed to the railing and saw Cross catch Harper. Vivian and Adriel were nowhere in sight.

My body wilted to the floor in relief.

Cross reappeared in the loft and told the grandfather and Harper to sleep. Then he swept me off the ground and held me close as he sat on the bed.

“Did he bite you?”

I could feel my need to answer him truthfully and knew Cross had compelled me.

“He didn’t bite me; I did so that you would come. I was scared you wouldn’t get here in time. I’m sorry I left.”

He smoothed his hand over my hair and kissed my forehead. Then he kissed my lips. I melted into his touch and felt his tongue swipe over my cheek, even though it had already been healed by Vivian’s disgusting tongue. He withdrew and hugged me again.

Tears started to fall in earnest. He rubbed my back and rocked us as he held me. But my breakdown wasn’t just about this moment. It was about all of them combined. It was the fear that this would never end. That people would forever try to use me to hurt Cross and Shepard.

When my tears slowed, he scooted me from his lap and stripped off his t-shirt. He helped put it on me then gathered me close again.

A few moments later, Shepard called for us from below.

I didn’t lift my head from where it was buried in Cross' very damp shoulder.

“We’re up here,” Cross called over the sounds of my hitched breathing.

I heard several sets of feet pounding up the stairs.

“Is she all right?” Shepard asked softly.

“She’s fine. Vivian and Adriel were here a few moments ago.”

“We’re on it,” I heard Tank say. This time, only a whisper of sound marked their departure.