When he saw the discarded ski-masks on the ground, some of the confusion left him. “What the fuck?” he ground out. His eyes hardened. “You guys did that shit to me?What the fuck?”
If he hadn’t been in so much pain, I would’ve been waiting for him to swing at us.
Logan shoved to his feet and began pacing. “Oh, fuck off, you piece of shit.” He rotated back and leaned down in Zeke’s face. “You’re hacking? Are you serious?Hacking? Do you know whose shit you were hacking into? Did you stop to research the fucking maniac whose private accounts you accessed? Whosefamily’s accounts you accessed? A killing maniac who would have no problem letting you continue to impale yourself on a fucking knife. They would have no problem nabbing your wife and kids and using them as collateral against you. You’refucking stupid.”
Zeke tried leaning away from Logan, but he was stuck.
“You want to know how we know? Because Kai Bennett came and told Mason himself.”
Zeke froze, his eyes shooting my way. “He did?” His face drained of color again.
I studied my brother, checking to see if he was legit losing his cool or what he was doing. He started pacing again, his jaw tense. Okay. It was my turn. Logan was truly pissed at this guy.
I spoke up, raising my chin. “He came to the office today.”
Unlike Logan, I was going to make sure everything I said to him hit home. I waited until those words registered. He blinked again, losing a bit more color.
“My daughter had come to see me at the office,” I continued. “My daughter. She was there. We were leaving, and he waited for her to leave first in her car. Once she cleared the gate, his SUVs drove in and circled me. Another one got between Maddy’s vehicle and mine. Pinned me in. Mighty nice of him. Lettingmy daughterleave.” I gritted my teeth. “Don’t you think? You brought that here. You brought that to my daughter. Different guy, different family and my kid might not be alive. You getting that?”
Zeke swayed on the couch. “Holy fuck,” he whispered, his head hanging down.
“Guess what he had to say?” Logan snarled. “Spoiler: it was aboutyou.”
Zeke gulped, still swaying on the couch.
I cursed. He was about to keel over. “Logan.” Two steps and I caught Zeke just as he was about to go down.
“What?” Logan snapped. “This little fucking hacker. Kai Bennett is in themafia.” He yelled the last word at Zeke, who clutched my hand before giving me a nod, assuring me he was okay to sit by himself again.
I waited another beat, but he gave one more nod, so I moved away.
“The fucking mafia, Zeke. You hacked into his brothers’s accounts. Into their partners’s accounts.”
My eyebrows rose. I’d not expected this from Logan. He’d been annoyed. I knew that much, but he was pissed about what Zeke had done to himself. I had no idea Logan cared for this guy this much.
“Tell him what he said to you. The other part.” Logan turned swiftly, glaring at me. “The part about what would’ve happened if he’d gotten into Kai Bennett’s accounts.”
Zeke had slumped over again, a hand on his stomach. He grimaced, trying to sit up straighter. “You can tell me.”
I shook my head. We’d done enough to him. It could wait.
“No! No, Mason. Fuck no.” Logan thrust a hand at me. “You fucking tell him.”
I hesitated, but Christ, Zeke looked about two more shouts away from passing out. I shook my head.
Logan growled. “Come on!”
I narrowed my eyes. “Look at him. He’s going to fall over. We still need to take him to the hospital.”
“Taylor looked at him.” He resumed his pacing, muttering, “He’s fine.”
“He’s not.”