Page 2 of Kade

James’s head lowered, and he stood there a moment as if in contemplation before he took another long drag from the bottle. He turned to us, using the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. He was grief stricken, which I knew. I’d been prepared for that. He’d truly loved Analise, and without her in his life, he was losing himself.

I’d be the same without Sam, I was certain. But enough was enough.

“Dad,” I demanded. “Fucking tell us why we’re here. Samantha’s a wine glass away from being Ninja Sam, and if I time it right, she’s going to be glowing and happy when I get her to bed. I like seeing my wife glowing and happy.”

“I like holding my wife when she’s puking in the toilet because she’s about to give us our second kid.” Logan glared at James, his words biting.

James swallowed. I could see the usual grief in his eyes, but this felt like more. Utter destruction read on his face. He shook his head. “My grandbabies. Your babies.” A single tear slipped down the side of his face. “I’m so proud of you both. What you have become—the way you love your wives. Both of you. I know I had nothing to do with that, except to teach you what not to do, but I’m proud of you. I love you both so much.” He whispered the words, grief strangling him.

That impending doom was getting worse in my gut now.

“Dad?” My head lowered. “What’s going on?”

He blinked, as if clearing some of the grief away, and he nodded briskly. “Right. You’re taking over for me, son—both of you, but Mason, since you’re here and retired from football, I need you to take the helm.”

I met Logan’s gaze in surprise. He seemed just as shocked.

“What are you talking about?” He moved to stand at my side. His shoulder brushed mine. “Are you stepping down?”

James’s eyes flooded again with unshed tears, his hand trembling as he placed the bottle roughly on the desk. He motioned to the computer. “Everything’s in your name, Mason. I changed all the passwords to Maddy’s birthday.” He nodded to his phone. “Logan, your son’s birthday is the password on there. You can get into everything through my phone. You’ll be at the helm. Logan, you’ll be at his side. You were always joined at the hip. That’s the way to go through life.” He stopped and drew in some air, a wheezy sound rattling from his throat. “There’s no other way I can see around this, but with the change in leadership, it’ll stall them. He can’t run over you the way he can me. Not you both. With your connections. You know how to stand your ground and fight. I know you’ll do just as well in the boardroom. I know it. It’s the only way.”

“Dad.” I stepped forward again. “You don’t have to retire or step down. Just take time off. I’ll step in and run everything. The way you’re talking, this is grief clouding your thoughts.”

Suddenly, a light shone from his eyes like clouds parting, and I saw some clarity.

I started to relax until he said, “This is the only way.” He said to Logan, “You’ll need to research them. Know who exactly you’re going to be fighting but ask Monroe. He’s connected to that world. He knows their true business. He’ll know why I did this. He’ll understand. I’m so sorry, boys. I would’ve loved to hold my grandbabies as long as they would let me, but this is for the best.”

“Dad,” Logan growled. “What are you talking about?Who?”

James lowered his head, but then he met my gaze. Seeing the level of torment in him, I felt punched in the stomach. It was worse than I thought. Way worse than I thought. His voice was raw as he said, “They’re trying to move in and take over everything. Don’t let them.”

He moved in a flash, before I could register what was in his hand.

He raised the gun and placed the barrel under his chin.

Every muscle in my body turned to ice. “DAD! NO—” I started for him.

“Monroe will know him,” he said calmly. “Kai Bennett.”

He pulled the trigger before I got to him.



Cops were everywhere. I felt like when I closed my eyes, I would see those flashing red and blue lights forever. They were ingrained to the insides of my eyelids.

The police questioned us, together at first, then separately.

Samantha showed up.

When she got out of her vehicle, I hated seeing the lights flashing over her face. My wife should never have to look like that. She was devastated for me.


My dad killed himself, and in front of us.

She rushed to me, opening her arms. Her voice hitched on a sob. “Mason.”