My little brother was having another kid. I tossed her the keys. “You’re driving. I’m going to enjoy waking everyone up.”
And I did.
Channing and Heather.
Even Zeke.
An hour later, the door opened and in walked all three of the kids, along with Steele, Beltraine, and Axel. Max came in with them, even though his parents arrived earlier. Either he went to them at our place or they went to him. Whichever way, seeingthe four of them together wasn’t a surprise anymore. They were a unit.
Ten minutes later,my goddaughter was born.
Maya Maysen Kade.
A year and months later.
It’s World Domination Day.
Or, as more common people would say, move-in day at Cain University.
I studied the other girls on my floor when we arrived. They were excited, but nervous. The dorm advisor met with us, going through all the information I needed to know. My key. My roommate’s information. A map of the university. Where to go for registration. There was freshman orientation, but as soon as my parents were gone, I already knew I was going to skip.
Max drove separately to help me move in, and the guys were coming over to help as well. Steele, Axel, and Beltraine. They were sophomores this year so they were living in the house my parents owned. I didn’t know if they were renting, but I was sure my parents were giving them a deal. Not that they needed one. Each of those three guys were wealthy. I told my dad he should double his price. He just laughed at me.
“Hi.” A girl was in the doorway, carrying a box. She entered the room and held her hand out to me. “I’m Havana. I think you’re my roommate. Are you Logan Kade?”
Max snorted, unloading one of my boxes on my desk.
She looked his way, frowning, but then did a double take when she caught a better look at his face. Interest lit up her eyes, and her lips parted as she gave him a onceover. I couldn’t blame her. He looked particularly edible, wearing his ragged and well-worn jeans and a black band shirt. With some added tattoos, one on his neck and another vine winding down around his arm, Max was looking beyond tasty.
I understood her attraction, but I didn’t have to like it.
I moved to block her view, giving her a forced smile. “Logan’s my first name, but I generally go by my middle name. Maddy. I used to spell it with ay, then decided to change it up and made everyone spell it with ie at the end. Since then, I’ve returned to my earlier years when I spell it M-A-D-D-Y.” No one needed to hear any of my explanation, but I enjoyed giving it.
Max was laughing again. “Jesus, Mads. Give the girl a break.”
I threw him a scowl over my shoulder before focusing on her again. “I took the left side of the room. I hope that’s okay?” My dad jerked his head up and seeing the motion, I remembered what he offered earlier. “Or my dad can put the beds up in bunks so we can have more room? I don’t care. This is my mom and dad.”
I didn’t introduce Max. He was mine.
“Oh. Uh.” She was taking in everyone in the room.
The guys hadn’t shown up yet, but they texted. They were on their way. Until then, it was my parents and Max. Nolan and Nash stayed behind, wanting to be with their friends. They were becoming normal, and were doing normal things like hanging out with friends.
Or that’s how they were acting. I knew my brother and sister. There was nothing normal about us.
“That’d be great. Thanks.” She gestured over her shoulder. “My dads are bringing up the rest of my stuff, but they mentioned something similar. About putting the beds all the way at the top?”
Voices were heard coming down the hallway, and I recognized them.
Beltraine appeared first, stopping behind Havana, who was staring up at him, slack-jawed.