I push my way through the door, finding him—name to be determined—with his dick in his hand taking a leak. He looks across to me, eyes running up and down my body. He nods. I nod in return and unzip my fly as I wander to the urinals, discreetly checking the stalls for anyone else in here. No one.

I pull out my dick. Stare at the tiles before me as I piss. I feel him look down at my cock, so I slowly turn my attention his way, face straight. He quickly returns his stare forward, and I smile on the inside. The big scary fucker has a complex about his small dick?

I’ve just found the outlet I need right now, since fucking Allison last night wasn’t effective.

“You’re looking for someone,” I say flatly.

He glances at me, taking me in, up and down. “And you are?”

“Doesn’t matter who I am.” I finish and tuck myself away while this guy, whoever the fuck he is, keeps on pissing. “Who the fuck are you?”

He snorts, dismissing me, continuing his merry, long piss. Brave man.

“I asked you a question.”

He laughs. “Fuck you.”

I grab the back of his fat head and smash it into the tile wall, cracking a few, leaving a smudge of blood on the porcelain. He squeals like a fucking pig, falling back to his ass, still fucking pissing all over the place. “What the fuck?”

I kneel, fisting his jacket and yanking him close. “Who. Are. You?”

He dribbles and coughs, the blood coming from his forehead, his mouth, his nose. “Go fuck yourself.”

I shove him to his back and straddle his lump of a body, pulling back my fist and letting loose. Punch after punch, I feel some of the stress leave my body, powering my blows, not giving him a moment to blink in between each one. I smash into his face until he’s no longer yelling, his body limp, and clench his jacket in my fists and yank him up, getting my face up in his. “Fucking talk or every glass in this club will be sunken into your flesh.”

He coughs up some blood, the reflex bringing him back round. Then he spits a few teeth out. I shove him back to the ground and stand, looking down at his pants on a sneer, his limp dick hanging out of the zipper. I dip into his pocket and pull out a phone, waking up the screen. The dumb fuck tries to knock me out of the way, so I lift my boot and slam it into his groin, and he yells his agony. I pull my gun and aim it at his head, keeping him perfectly still on the ground.

“Passcode,” I say, crouching, pressing the end of my Heckler into his forehead.

His eyes widen. “Four, eight, three, six, two, nine.”

“Well done.” I go into the settings and change the code to something I’m not going to forget. “Wasn’t so hard, was it?” He shakes his head. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I was hired to find a girl.”

What’s left of the air in my lungs leaves. “By whom?”

He shakes his head again. “I don’t know. They email me.”

I look down at the phone briefly. Then back up at him. “You should have turned the job down.” I pull the trigger and turn away from the spray of blood, pushing through my legs to stand as I open the email app on the cell. There’s nothing. I open the call log. Nothing. My heart beats a bit faster. Messages. Nothing. “Fuck,” I bellow, throwing it at the wall.

The door crashes open behind me and Nolan scans the mess I’ve made. “Oh fuck,” he whispers.

Poor Nolan. He’s come at the perfect time for me, the worst time for him. “What the fuck are you doing?” I yell, getting him up against the tile wall. “Fucking Ella? I’ve fucking told you.”

“Brad, please, wait,” he says, looking utterly terrified. It would usually tug at my heartstrings. Not today. I wedge my gun under his chin. “You’ve completely disregarded my orders. And on my desk? And why the fuck does she have two phones?”

“It’s her boyfriend, he?—”

“Cody, yes, I know.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“So are you, Nolan. What the fuck are you doing? You fancy yourself as a bit of a porn star, huh?”

“It was just?—”

I press the end of my gun harder under his chin. “A bit of fun?”

“No, not just a bit?—”

“Shut up.”

“I can explain.”

“Does now look like a good fucking time?” I release him and point at the body. “For fuck’s sake, Nolan.”

I get my phone out and take a picture of my victim’s mashed-up face. “Clean it up,” I bark, picking up the pieces of the cell and pocketing them. “And not a fucking word to anyone.” I walk to the door and stop, looking back. “I mean anyone, Nolan. Not Danny, not James, no one.” The last thing I need is them pressing for information on the dead dude in the restrooms, or why the hell he’s looking for Pearl. “And maybe I won’t share your shenanigans with Ella in the office.” Fuck me, we’ll be another dancer down, and I haven’t got time for that shit. “Whatever the fuck’s going on between you and her, end it.” I leave the restroom—ironically feeling worse—and dial Pearl, lifting my phone to my ear, passing Mason. “If anyone asks, nothing happened.”