I massage her nape, move in closer, tilt her head back, and drop my mouth onto hers again as I push past the seam of her panties and get my first feel of her condition. A low growl vibrates in my throat, a small whimper in hers. But despite my want, hers too, my kiss remains tender. My touch gentle.
Experiencing this.
Savoring this.
I encourage her down to the desk, kissing her until she’s lying down, and trail my mouth across her chest, taking a nipple deep, sucking gently, brushing my tongue over the peak until it’s stiff. Jesus. I feel delirious with pleasure, repeating on the other as I stroke between the wet lips of her pussy, looking up constantly to see her watching me work her. Pleasure her. I’ve got to taste her. Kiss her everywhere.
I drop to my knees, drag her panties down, and breathe in deeply, eyes on that special place, my mouth watering. This. This is what I’ve wanted. This. Her. I move in slowly, kiss the inside of her thigh, feel her writhe, her hands grabbing the edge of the desk. She says my name. Over and over, each time sounding more desperate.
She’s throbbing before my eyes as I let my tongue slowly glide up her thigh onto her heat. She jacks off the desk and cries out, and I moan, my eyes closing in bliss, my tongue plunging inside her, licking her, kissing her, biting her. She yells at the ceiling—eager, desperate—and I retreat before she gets carried away and comes too soon.
The moment she settles, I start again, kissing her thigh, slowly moving toward her sweet pussy, gorging on her flesh, relishing her quiet sounds of pleasure.
And pull away once again when her back arches.
“Brad,” she says, breathless. “Brad, please.”
One more delicate kiss on her clit, and I rise, my eyes now feasting on her naked body laid out on the desk as I unbutton my shirt before tackling my pants. I let them fall to the ground, but I don’t step out of them—my shoes won’t allow it—and I am in no position to take a break and kick them off.
I slip my hand past the waistband of my boxers and take hold of my raging erection. Her eyes are fixed there, waiting, and when I pull it out, she sucks back air. I put on a condom under her watchful eye, rolling it down my dick to the root as I move in and positioning myself at her opening. Taking her thighs, I watch as she reaches over her head and clings to the side of the desk. My heart’s pumping. Blood’s burning. Muscles aching.
I push in slowly, a million curses loaded ready to be spat out. Fuck. My knees tremble, my fingertips dig into her flesh as my cock sinks deeper.
Fuck . . . ing . . . hell.
I can’t describe the feeling. Incredible. Extraordinary. Beautiful. What makes this pussy different to the hundreds of others? I close my eyes for a moment, remaining still, holding tight.
Moving will put me on my ass.
I feel her hands rest over mine on her thighs and open my eyes. Her face is unbelievably impassive. Her pussy gloriously tight. “What is it, gorgeous?”
“I really want to be here.” She strains the words, breathing heavily.
I tilt my head in question, stumped, and Pearl squeezes my hands before returning them to the edge above the desk, closing her eyes, breathing in, arching her back. “You want me to move?” I ask, remaining stock-still. It’s an effort, my cock screaming for friction. She nods into her darkness and brings the heels of her feet onto the desk.
So exposed.
Wide open for me.
I’m in no fit state to play the game of power. Make her wait or beg. I roll my hips, she whimpers, and I lower my torso to hers, starting to thrust lazily, work us up slowly, savoring the feel of her walls squeezing my dick beautifully, every inch of her touching every inch of me. Her eyes remain closed. I’ve never looked at a woman too closely when I’ve fucked her. This is unprecedented. And in this moment, when I’m high on pleasure and wonder, I’m incapable of questioning my actions.
I instinctively reach for Pearl’s face and stroke her cheek, silently telling her to open her eyes, my moves unhindered, my pace consistent and smooth.
Her lids flicker, her thick, dark lashes fluttering. Her eyes open. See me.
She releases the desk and reaches for my face, holding it, moving with me, accepting every inch of me, pulling me back into her each time I retreat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful in my life. Her face while I’m inside her. Gorgeous. Perfect.
Her hands go back to the desk. Come back to my face. She bites her lip. Writhes beneath me.