“I was thinking Rose is scarier than Danny these days.” He rubs at his beard, looking a bit shook up. “She was going to that school whether I agreed or not.”

I can’t skin him. He literally has the toughest job in the world. “Go make sure the kid stays out of their way until they’ve ironed this out.” Tank gets out, and I turn my wary gaze to a silent James. “You’re quiet.”

“Otto just texted me. The Escalade they found in Lake Harbor has been cloned.”

“Fuck off,” I breathe, rubbing at my forehead. “They—whoever they are—cloned a retired cop’s vehicle?”

“People who clone vehicles don’t dive deep. They find a car—same make, same model—and steal the license plate.”

“Major faux pas. So, chances are, the clone is still in Miami.”

“Dumped somewhere I expect. Burned out. It was full of holes after you and Tank opened fire on it. They’ll have another vehicle by now.”

“For fuck’s sake.”

“Agreed.” James opens the door, sliding out.

“Where are you going?” I’m going to need some backup when Danny emerges. If he emerges.

“I’m going to see my wife. Where are you going?” He slams the door and paces around the front of the car, closing the doors of his Range Rover on his way. “The lawyer?”

“Yeah, the lawyer.” I sigh and get out, following him into the house. “I’ll call her.” I don’t call Allison, but call Doc instead. He doesn’t answer. Since when does Doc not answer? He said this testing business would be quick. It’s been a week.

As I pass through the entrance hall to the kitchen, I listen for the sounds of murder. Nothing. Esther’s got Maggie in a travel cot by the island. She looks up but doesn’t say a word, going back to chopping zucchini. She doesn’t want to know.

“Have you eaten today?” James asks Beau.

“I thought you weren’t back until later,” she says, pulling some plates out of the dishwasher. “Or have you just popped home to check up on me?”

“Answer my question.”

“I had a ham and cheese croissant and a bag of chips.”

“No vegetables? No fruit?”

I smile as I lower to a stool, watching James go to the fridge. He starts pulling out all the things he needs for the green stuff. “She’s going to turn green soon,” I say, helping myself to the pot of tea on the island, dialing Doc again. I want the results of those tests. I want to take Pearl tonight with nothing between us. I can’t ask anyone if they’ve seen the old boy, that’ll raise too many questions.

Beau pauses stacking plates and looks at me with soft eyes.

“What?” I ask, my gaze moving between my tea and Beau.

“How are you?”

“Traumatized,” I quip, lifting my cup to my lips.

“Are you seeing Allison tonight?” she asks, and my eyes naturally flick to James.

“Yeah, might do.”

“What the hell happened?” Esther asks, deciding she does want to know. “His face was a bloody mess.”

“That wasn’t Rose,” James says, as he juggles his ingredients to the island and lays it out on the chopping board Esther’s just placed down, along with a knife.

“It wasn’t?” Beau asks, so shocked.

I laugh. “Jesus, Beau, she’s popped him in the chops a few times, but what you saw wasn’t the work of a woman.”

She scowls at me.

“No disrespect intended.”

“Then think before you open your big trap.”

I smile over my rim. “It was Benson.” There’s a collection of gasps, and both James and I nod. “He went to the school with Rose to talk to the principal. We were already there.”

“Oh God.” Esther rests her elbows on the island and buries her head in her hands.

“On the bright side, Daniel’s going back to school.” I give Beau a grin when she balks at me. “Actions speak louder than words.” My cell rings in my pocket, and I pull it out, getting up and stepping out into the garden, expecting to see Doc calling me back. It’s not. “Higham?”

“I’m trying to get hold of Danny.”

“He’s busy murdering his wife.”

He huffs. “I know how he feels. I thought I’d be home today. Turns out my wife’s invited half of Florida up to the lake house for a barbeque tonight.”

“Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of other shit to keep us occupied.”

“And I don’t suppose you know anything about the breaking and entering and subsequent assault on Officer Richard Bean, do you?”

“Who the fuck is Officer Richard Bean?” I ask, hearing a car pull up the drive. I walk to the corner and see Fury following Pearl into the house. “Higham?”

“Sorry, I lost you for a moment,” he says, as I study Pearl’s face, not sure I’m liking what I’m seeing. She looks . . . dull. “I’ll be in touch when I’m back.”

“Yeah, I’ve got to go,” I murmur, going back into the kitchen. “Higham’s not back tonight,” I say, eyes on the entrance. “Something about a barbeque.” I lower to a stool and slowly and blindly reach for my tea. Eyes still on the entrance. Fury enters. No Pearl. “Wh—” I just about hold my tongue. “All right?” I ask instead.