"Wait till you see what's in mine," Beau practically bounces in his seat.

Inside his box is a self-help book titled 'How to Stop Being an Asshole in 10 Easy Steps.'

"I marked the important chapters," he says innocently.

Austen's doubled over laughing as I flip through pages covered in fluorescent highlighter. "Look, he even made notes in the margins!"

"Step one," I read aloud, "Stop sleeping with everything that moves."

Quinn chokes on her coffee.

I toss my gifts at them - a pair of noise-canceling headphones for Beau ("So you don't have to hear me bringing girls back"), a pack of condoms for Austen ("Since you keep stealing mine"), and for Lyle, a shirt that says 'WWDD What Would Dolly Do' across the chest.

"Real cute," Lyle says, but he's already pulling it on over his t-shirt.

"At least I wrapped mine," I point out, gesturing to the actual Christmas paper.

"With duct tape," Quinn observes.

"It's festive duct tape. See? It's got little snowmen on it."

Quinn reaches under the tree and starts pulling out small packages wrapped in brown paper with twine. "I know it's not much, but..."

"You didn't have to get us anything," Lyle protests, but he's already tearing into his.

"Holy shit," he breathes, pulling out a set of drumsticks. "Is this..."

"The new mahogany ones you were looking at the other day," Quinn says softly.

Beau's gift is next - a rare vinyl record he's been hunting for months. Austen gets a vintage guitar pick necklace that makes him actually tear up a little, though he tries to hide it by running his hands through his hair.

My stomach knots as she hands me the last package. It's smaller than the others, and lighter.

Inside is a braided leather bracelet. The warm brown leather is soft, well-worked, with a small silver clasp. "I made it. It's kind of silly, but..." She takes a deep breath. "I made myself a matching one, so they're kind of like friendship bracelets."

My throat tightens as she fastens it around my wrist. The leather settles against my skin like it belongs there.

"Last night, what you said about feeling lonely..." She looks down, fidgeting with the empty box. "Sometimes the spotlight makes it harder to see the people standing right beside you. But we're here. All of us."

"Quinn..." The words stick in my throat. The bracelet feels heavy on my wrist, its message burning into my skin.

"You don't have to say anything," she says quickly. "Just... remember you're not alone, okay?"

I clear my throat, trying to shake off the emotion threatening to overwhelm me. "Thank you," I manage, my voice rougher than intended.

Beau breaks the moment by throwing wrapping paper at my head. "Wait a damn minute, are you crying?"

"Shut up," I growl, discreetly wiping my eyes. "There's just... dust or something."

"Right," Lyle drawls. "Dust."

But when I catch Quinn's eye, she just smiles, and I find myself smiling back, my fingers absently tracing the leather at my wrist.

"Your turn!" Lyle practically bounces as he hands Quinn a sparkly gift bag. "This is from me and that idiot over there." He jerks his thumb at Austen.

Quinn pulls out a pink bedazzled cowboy hat and matching boots. Her laugh fills the bus. "Oh my God."

"For your performances," Austen explains, running his hands through his hair. "We noticed you never wear a hat, andwell... you can't be a proper country star without a ridiculous hat... and boots to match."