Page 70 of Gift from the Wing

“And there’s a purpose now?”

“Yes. It’s time for you to go into the amplifier room. No more dillydallying, missy.”

My sudden chuckle causes a lone tear to fall down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly before looking up at Gaster. He can already tell there’s something going on in my mind and he’s patiently waiting for an answer. He smiles warmly at me as I tell him where CC hid the journal and he full-on laughs when I grumble about the dillydallying.

“There’s obviously something you need to see. The Eye of the Veil is the actual name. CC renamed it to his own needs. Made it plain and simple,” he scoffs and rolls his eyes before carrying on. “It’s a tool used to amplify the gift of the sight.”

“There are people in the Valorian Veil with the sight as well?”

“From my understanding, there’s a person. They’re spoken of as if they’re a myth or a legend. Some refer to them as the Oracle, the Fates chosen, a god. Some even believe they are a Fate themselves. Their title varies depending on who you ask, but regardless, they’re revered, and it’s said they use the Eye of the Veil to magnify the messages they receive from the Fates.”

“The Fates? I thought the realm was made mostly of gods?”

“That is true, but gods had to come from somewhere, child. The Fates is what I refer to their creator as because it’s simpler. The history of the Valorian Veil is a long and detailed one.”

“A long and detailed story we don’t have time for,” I grumble when he gives me a small smile.

“Another time. As for the Eye of the Veil, the individual who developed it used a glass dome that magnified the stars, brought them closer to the sight, if you will. They believe the stars conceal the gateway to those above even the gods. Those that blessed this individual with knowledgeof the future. Much like I’ve seen in both CC and you, their ability was a struggle at first and did not come as easily to them as they would’ve hoped. So they created a tool to help them. When CC emerged with the sight, I created the amplifier room in hopes it would help him.

“Instead of the glass dome, obviously, I used gems from the realm known for their amplifying properties as well as ones that help you balance yourself, stay calm, and bring forth your intuitive nature. You noticed the reflective walls, yes?”

“Yes, but they have images on them or paintings, I guess. I’m not sure what’s on their surfaces,” I say, thinking back to when I looked in there. My mind was all over the place, but I know whatever I saw surely wasn’t any place I’ve seen before.

“Ah, so something was trying to come through then.” He nods, running his hand down his beard.

“What? No, a vision wasn’t coming through. I just saw whatever the paintings on the walls were.”

“There are no paintings, child. The room is enchanted to broadcast what’s in your mind.”

No way.

“Way, Willow. I got to the point in my life where my visions came daily and sometimes it was difficult to replay the paths. So Gaster and I came up with the broadcasting enchantment. It’s a permanent fixture. When you’re sitting in the center dais, the vision you have in your mind will play around you and you’ll be able to watch it. Like a movie.”

“Like a movie. Haven’t heard that in a while,”I whisper because I don’t know what to say. That’s advanced level innovation mixed in with some magic.

“So I go in there and what, a vision is just going to hit me?”

“Possibly. If there’s something you need to see. It has great strength, so there’s no telling the pull it will have. It’s very possible the reason something happened when you looked in there on your tour was because your mind and mental shield was weak from the memories unlocking. Who knows what may happen now,” Gaster says, but he has that sameexcited gleam in his eye that he always has when something is about to happen.

“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” I say with a huff as I push myself off the couch.

“That’s the spirit, Willow.” He cheers, giving himself away.

Making our way out of the lounge and down the hall to the stairs, there’s an excited bounce to Gaster’s steps as there’s a nervous falter in mine. My visions are already intense when they come on their own. Purposefully amplifying them is frightening. I’m hopeful that I’ll see something that helps us, but realistically, I’m mentally preparing for the worst.

“So will I have no choice once I’m in here? A vision’s going to come no matter what, like they do already but more…?”

“It may, but that is not the only purpose of the amplifier room. Yes, what Gaster said is true, it does enhance the visions, but more so, it was most beneficial to me in learning to control the sight. By coming here more frequently, I eventually mastered calling on the gift on my own.”

My feet trip over air as my lungs take a huge gulp. His words made my brain short-circuit and it takes effort to fully process what he just said. Thank goodness for Gaster’s closeness because if not for his arm, I would’ve face-planted the floor.

“My goodness, child.”

“I can stop the random-ass visions that just pop up on me and control when they come?”I ask CC rather than answer Gaster, but I do pat his hand to say I’m okay.

“Visions that have great importance, whether they’re past, present, or future, will always come with no say so from you. But by learning to control the gift itself, you can learn to see more than what is being shown to you. You can learn to call upon the gift in times of indecision and guidance. Having more knowledge and the possible paths will always be better than being in a situation blind.”

Of course I’d like to have full control over when I’m suddenly sucked into a vision, but I understand that in times like this, things are forever changing, and I’m being shown what needs to be shown at just the right time. So I take not being able to control that with a grain of salt and I fuelmy motivation with the fact that I can learn to control the gift enough to give me the advantage of seeing more, on my time, and how I see fit.