Sliding down until my ass hits the ground, I drape my bloody hands over my knees and watch as he heals and cleans Layton up.
Soft, warm hands grip my cheeks and turn my face from the sight of this kid I’ve grown to be quite protective of until I’m staring into a pool of shiny diamonds.
“I’m so proud of you, my dragon. You did so good. Even asleep, his aura is so bright, it’s blinding,” my little wanderer whispers.
“I didn’t do much.”
“Don’t discredit yourself, Draken. Those were some of the most powerful intentions I’ve ever felt. I have a feeling he’s going to wake up a completely different person. For the better.”
“You mean that?” I ask.
“I know that.”
When her lips meet mine, I melt into her. That was one of the most emotionally draining experiences of my life, outside of everything she’s been through, and for a second there, I thought we lost him. I thought all the promises and words of assurance I’d given to his parents were going to be for nothing.
Her promising eyes are all I can focus on now when she pulls back and smiles at me. Her pride for me in this moment floods my bond, and I swear it rejuvenates me.
“Let’s give them some time to check on Layton, and we’ll visit later, okay?”
“Yeah. Good idea,”I say as I make eye contact with Sira. There are tears still streaming down her face, but the gratitude reflected at me makes my throat close up.
“You were remarkable, Draken. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life,” Keeper says, smiling when Willow and I walk out of Layton’s room.
“What do you mean?”
“That amount of power you put off. I’ve never been fed magic before. That was exhilarating.” He beams as he squeezes my shoulder.
I’m sorry, did I just hear him right?
“Fed magic? What in the realm are you talking about?” I ask, utterly fucking confused.
“You mean you didn’t do it on purpose?” he asks, cocking his head to the side. My frustration grows swiftly, but before I can say anything, Willow cuts in, no doubt sensing my rising irritation.
“If something strange or different happened, Keeper, it’s best to just explain it all,” she orders gently.
“Well, you all recall me explaining how the Summum-Master would make me drink blood before a binding ritual to maximize my power?” he asks, leaving out the tidbit that it was my little wanderer’s blood or her mom’s or grandma’s, but anyhow, at our nods, he continues. “I don’t have to consume anything prior to the ritual or as you just saw, undoing it, but if I don’t feed, it would leave me quite drained and hungry. Just now, though, you were putting off enough magic to feed me and keep me sustained. It traveled through my bloodstream like electricity. It was highly potent. I feel as though I was just a glutton with my food.”
He’s still fucking beaming from ear to ear with excitement and I’m still as confused. I don’t know how that’s possible, nor did I do that on purpose.
“What were you thinking about, dragon, when you were pushing your magic into Layton?” Caspian asks.
“All kinds of shit. A better life for him mostly.”
“At any point did you think of Keeper?” Gaster asks, stepping up beside Caspian, looking at me just as curious.
“Well, yeah, I guess. I thought about him being able to fix Layton. Can you just give it to me straight? One of you?” I ask with a frustrated sigh.
“I can only assume, my boy, we may need to talk to Tanith, but just as she can push knowledge on to others and she can absorb it, I believe you did feed him your magic. You pushed it onto him while you were thinking about what was best for Layton.”
“Tanith, can you hear me?”I ask. I’ve never tried to talk to her while she’s not been in front of me, but this can’t wait, so I might as well try.
“Of course I can.”
“I just fed Keeper my magic.”
“Congratulations, young one. That is exciting news.”