“Put this in your pocket dimension for me just in case we do come across some crazy-ass shit,” she says.
“It’s about time you make one of your own. It’s like a purse that you never have to actually carry.”
“Yeah, a purse that knocks you on your ass when you make it. You sound like Gaster. He’s been harping on me about it too.”
“Then after this mission, that’s what you’re doing.” I chuckle as she throws a handful of grass at me.
I’m pretty sure a few pieces fall into my pocket dimension, but after going shoulder deep, not being able to feel for them, and her just laughing at me like it’s hilarious, I give up.
“Okay, on a serious note, how do you feel about tracking today? Good, bad, scared, confident? Anything you want or need to go over?” she asks.
“I mean, I’m a little nervous but still feel pretty confident. I didn’t until we tracked Vince by his blood, and getting that right helped because I have no connections to him, so I didn’t feel like I was aided in any way.”
“Yeah, that was a perfect track and imprint as well. I honestly think this is going to be even easier since it’s your blood and we’ll be doing it together. I’ve got complete faith in you,” she says, tapping her shoulder to mine.
“Thanks. I really do have a good feeling about today. I’m not bullshitting or hiding anything, I swear. I have no clue how getting the blood and destroying it is going to go, but you’ve been nonstop reading, remembering. We’ve trained as hard as we possibly can. I’ve got faith in everyone today.”
“Good. I don’t want to hear any more shit from those men then.”
“And what shit are you referring to exactly?”
She squeals as Ry’s voice sounds from behind us and I peer over my shoulder to see him and Tilman standing there with their arms crossed, staring down at us. I heard their approach but didn’t say anything because I wanted them to hear what I was saying. I should’ve known she was going to talk shit, though.
“You men freaking out about today. You all don’t know how to react to just a calm, cool, easy mission,” she says as she climbs to her feet, giving me her hand and pulling me up.
“Nothing about any mission is easy. Especially adding you two in the mix,” he says, glaring at both of us as we share a look.
“He may have a point,”I say.
“Don’t tell him that.”
Tillman’s stern look cracks and the minuscule twitch on his lip tells me he heard that. “Time to go. Ready, little warrior?” he asks before I can call him out.
“Been ready since I woke up.”
As we make our way through the freshly restored gardens—compliments to Tillman—Ry and Oakly can’t resist their playful bickering. Their banter echoes off the new flower beds and bushes while in my head, Tillman’s amused voice chimes in, mocking them about their weird love language. I can’t help but laugh, earning curious glances from the two lovebirds and everyone else who’s waiting for us right outside the garden path.
“You do look as excited as they warned,” Lyker says, cocking his head to the side before swallowing me up in a hug.
He was thrilled when I called him last night and told him I got into Mom’s book. He’s been so busy lately with getting everything ready to break ground on his new academy, we haven’t seen each other. Just the daily messages or calls.
Being able to spend more time with him is one of the top things I’m looking forward to on my list when we get this shit over with. Talking through a communicator is all fine and dandy if it means I get to hear from him, but nothing beats spending quality time together. I want to stay atMom’s house, visit his pack lands in detail now that it’s not overrun, and just spend time with him, his brothers, and Aria.
“I’ve settled my excitement down as per their request. I just found something funny as soon as we walked up,” I say, cutting my eyes over to Tillman.
“Well, show me this magic trick they were telling me about then, little dragon.” He smirks, winking at me.
Little my ass.
My men surround me as soon as Lyker steps away and the nervousness that was ringing like an alarm through my chest from them earlier is still present. I don’t believe it’s going to fade, so I straighten my shoulders, let my smile slip away, and hope the seriousness in my expression will settle them.
“You ready, Primary?” Caspian asks.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” I say firmly.
“Good, princess. Once you do this and verify all the individual portals created are closed, we’ll move to the main portal in Pyrathia for Mystara Hollow. It’s the hardest to maneuver and less likely to have any activity. From there, Aeradora for Colosyree, Aquaria for the Valorian Veil, ending at Terrian for Essemist Keep and so Keeper can check on the vampires right there and the nonmagical realm. Missing anything?” Corentin asks. We’ve been over it a thousand times since yesterday, but I still appreciate him checking with me.
“Nope, perfect, your highness.”