Page 198 of Gift from the Wing

“What kind of movie? What’s it about?”

Smiling, I tuck a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. “It’s a movie that’s in my mind. One I’ve replayed many times.”

“How will I see it if it’s in your mind?”

“If you let me show you, it’ll answer your questions.”

“Is it funny?”

“Not really.”

“Eww, romantic?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Happy? Sad?”

“A little of both, my girl,” I say softly.

“Will it make me cry again?”

“Very possibly, but I’ll be here to wipe away your tears.”

Her face softens and she looks at me as though I am her world. I guess right now, I am, as she is mine. I hope what she sees doesn’t change the way she views me.

“Well, what do you say?”

She glances around me, watching the rain through the gaps in the branches.

Poking her little hand through my air bubble, she catches a few drops that run off the leaves of her tree and rubs the water between her fingers.

“Yeah, today’s a movie kind of day.”

“Then get comfortable and close your eyes.”

She nestles in, leaning her back to my chest, and tucks the blanket around her tightly. When she laces her fingers together on her tummy, I smirk down at her. “Ready?”


At her nod, I take us back in time.

Standing at the edge of Iris’s ward, I glance over at the cave that I walked her through so, so many years ago. My, how not a thing has changed. At least on this side. I’m curious to see what she’s done on the inside of this Elementra-blessed protection.

Releasing a breath, I walk through the ward, hoping her men don’t come out preparing to attack. No one should be able to pass through, but I’m not just anyone.

A small cottage comes into view as soon as I’m through, and I smile at the quaintness of it. No one would ever look at this design and believe that the strongest woman to walk this realm lives within those walls.

Holding the present I brought in front of me, I walk a couple feet, then pause. The vibrations slithering over my skin let me know that the Nexus inside has just been alerted to my presence, so it’d be best I wait right here for them to come out.

It’s no surprise to me that Iris is the first to crash through the door, gifts blazing, with her men hot on her heels. I smile as the formidable bunch halts to a stop, glaring at me.

“Dangerous game you’re playing there, old friend,” Iris sasses, placing her hands on her hips as her men snort and shake their heads at me.

“Old? Two hundred and sixteen has never looked so good, thank you very much,” I say, using her words against her. Just, you know, add a couple years.

She snickers, looking at her men affectionately. That’s the day she met them. They were waiting for her outside that cave, where I made them stay while I waited for her to come out of the portal.

“Well, come on in, I’ve got the kettle on,” she says, but I shake my head softly.