Page 15 of Gift from the Wing

In the span of a blink, the sight in front of me changes from the lively colors of Elementra’s landscape to the crowded forest that surrounds the willow that was once an oak.

Time sure changes a lot.

Well, as does Elementra’s interference, but I digress.

“You know it’s rude to tell the birthday girl to be out here before the sun comes up, then you show up late.” Willow’s voice sasses from behind me and I laugh as I spin on my heels to her.

“My sincerest apologies, Miss Priss.” I chuckle, pulling her in for a tight hug, and my finger gets caught in the knots of her curly hair. “Willow, did you not even brush this out before coming out here?” I tease, untangling the knot before I rip a chunk out.

“Well…” Her gaze leaves mine, and I follow the sight to the small pallet under the tree.

“Why did you camp out here?”

“Father had a business party last night, so I snuck out my window. It’s safer out here than in there,” she whispers and I pull her back into my chest.

“I’m sorry, filia mea.”

“Don’t be, it’s okay. Is that for me?” she asks with a forced smile that slowly becomes more earnest.

“It is, but my present first,” I say, pulling out the purple journal from my bag.

She squeals in delight as she opens it and my heart hurts at how excited she gets over the smallest of things. She refuses to talk about it, but the timidness she always had with the first few gifts I ever gave her showed that she’d never received anything in her life and didn’t know how to accept it. Now she’s like a child in a sweets shop every time she’s given something.

“The pages are enchanted and concealed from view. Only you and I can see it, but you only see what you write,” I tell her as she sticks her nose to the binding.

“This is perfect. Thank youso much,” she exclaims, giving me another firm hug.

“Now this present is from my nephews. The older two,” I say, handing her the box. Her face blushes a bright red as she tentatively brings the box to her chest.

“Oh my…” she says, carefully running her hands down the soft material before jerking her hand back. “I’m going to get it dirty.”

“That’s what washing machines are for, Willow.”

“Very funny…” She cuts her eye to me with a sly smirk, then looks back down at it. “I’d like to wear it today.”

“Today would be a perfect day for it. Go change behind a tree,” I tell her, turning around.

My gaze looks out over the vast, thick forest. The forest we’ve basically memorized over the last eight years since we first met and had our awakening. I imprint as much of it as possible on my memory, knowing it’s all about to change in just a few moments. It’ll be years and years to come before she remembers this as it was.

“So how do I look? It fits perfectly. The one with an earth element must be the one who made it, but I don’t know which is the other one…” she says lightly, spinning around, and the dress flares out. She brings one of the frilly layers up to her nose and takes a deep breath.

When her eyes open in shock and she takes a staggering step back, gripping her chest, my gaze softens as I send out a huge blast of air to barricade us in a dome.

“CC…what’s happening?” she asks, swaying.

“It’s okay, filia mea, don’t fight it,” I say gently.

Reaching into my bag, I pull out a rope made of vine and quickly tie myself to the willow tree while simultaneously whispering reassurances to Willow as she continues to sway and gasps for breath.

“CC, please. I can’t breathe. Wh-What’s going on?” she asks as her panic fully sets in.

Loosening my rope enough that I can reach her, I cup her cheeks in my hands and shush her quietly. “Everything’s okay, filia mea. You’re emerging. Don’t fight it. I have us protected. I promise. Let it out, my sweet girl,” I tell her, and when she givesme a small, scared nod, I step back as close to the tree as I can.

I tried my best to prepare her for this. She knew one day it would come and it would be painful, but I was never allowed to tell her exactly what to expect. Fuck, I’m not even sure I know exactly what to expect. Elementra loves to give me crumbs of information.

Her first scream is like a knife to the gut. It pierces straight through me, but I hold strong, for her. If she sees me crumble, it’ll make this so much harder for her.

“You’ve got this, Willow, it’s okay. Embrace the pain. Become one with it,” I coach as her limbs shake from her restraint.