Page 130 of Gift from the Wing

The sugary roasted aroma drags me from the dead of sleep, and I swear, like a bloodhound, I sit up in the bed, sniffing around without ever opening my eyes.

Four low chuckles draw a smile to my face and with an incredibly unladylike yawn, I stretch my arms above my head, then peel my lids open. The bright light from the sun beaming in from the balcony causes me to rapidly blink, then throw the rest of the covers off me.

“It is far too bright outside to still be midmorning,” I say frantically, trying my hardest to get untangled from the sheets.

“Whoa, princess, take it easy.” Corentin laughs, stopping my panicked movements with his hands on my shoulders. “You needed to sleep in.”

“No, I needed to meet Oakly for breakfast,” I argue.

All their laughing ceases and they each look at me so softly, I panic even more.

What the hell are those looks for?

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Nothing happened, little warrior, she’s fine. She’s just still sleeping as well. Ry called and let me know a couple of hours ago. Said he’d get her to call or message you when she wakes up,” Tillman supplies helpfully, no doubt sensing the rising freak-out.

My breath whooshes out of me, and I sling myself back onto the bed.

Damn, it takes a lot of energy to get that worked up as soon as your eyes open.

“So I take it you don’t want your coffee?” Corentin asks sarcastically.

“Of course I do,” I say, popping right back up. “Sorry, I just freaked out there for a second. I didn’t want her to think I was standing her up or choosing sleep over seeing her.”

Again, their eyes soften, and when Caspian offers me his hand to help me out of bed, I take itgraciously.

The adrenaline of yesterday has worn off now, but everything else that I woke up feeling hits me like a ton of bricks. I see better now why the multiple times some shit like this has happened to me, Oakly’s threatened to kill me. Our bond feels like it’s on edge and if I don’t lay my eyes on her to make sure she’s okay, I’m going to flip out.

The guilt that always sits below my surface instantly floods me.

Crazy shit has happened to me a couple times now and it’s not just my men who experience the wide range of emotions in the aftermath. It’s them, Oakly, and Gaster who feel it on literally a soul level. Not to mention everyone else who cares for me.

The thought quickly sobers me.

“None of that, Primary. Shit happens, and it always will until we end this. Check on your bond and mental link. She’s fine,” Caspian says confidently as he sits me in a seat out on the balcony and Corentin places my coffee in front of me.

Nodding, I do as he says and focus on the thread that connects me to Oakly, as well as our mental link. I don’t pull on either, just in case she really is still sleeping. I don’t want to wake her.

I’m selfishly happy, though, when I feel her consciousness and I blow out a breath of relief.

Mentally. By accident, of course.

Her laugh rings through my head and a smile takes over my face. It’s her normal giddy tone and her bond sings in my chest with her true happy spirit this morning. That settles the worry I’d been feeling the second I woke up and thought I missed our breakfast.

“Someone woke up in a good mood,”I say.

“Well, someone has four men who know exactly how to wake a girl up.”

“Oh, gross, Oak. Too much information before coffee.”

Elementra, she’s as bad as Draken.

I can’t help but laugh out loud at her and the tension in my men’s shoulders relaxes. They don’t have to hear—well, Tillman may have—to know that the two of us are talking.

“Got that brought to me in bed as well. May have to get kidnapped more often if this is the pampering I’m going to get.”

My eyes narrow dangerously and if she were in front of me, my look would strike her ass down.