“I don’t know what all is in this wing waiting for us yet, but I can promise you, it’s going to be okay. One way or another,” I whisper, wrapping my own shadows around his wrist. All their wrists.
I need solidarity as much as they do.
With a clipped nod, his shadows slowly retreat into his skin.
The apprehension and anticipation in each of them grow to substantial heights. This is a moment they’ve been waiting their entire lives for. The burning curiosity would’ve driven me mad years ago if I were in their shoes. That’s probably a top reason why they call this beautiful wing a curse.
As soon as the veil of darkness completely fades away, my eyes immediately seek out Gaster, just to make sure he’s okay. I find him observing my tree with a faint smile on his face, gently caressing the leaves just as I had.
My tree…
Possessiveness rises in me quickly. Not over the fact Gaster’s touching a random tree that I’ve suddenly declared mine, but the fact that in my mind, in my heart, this whole space is mine. Ours.
Obsessive much, Willow?
“Is talking to yourself going to become a thing, little warrior?” Tillman picks mindlessly as he looks around the space with keen fascination. His eyes trace the architecture, the craftsmanship with an appreciative glint that shows a lot of respect for the person who built all this.
“Maybe. Sometimes I get answers back.”
“This space is yours. All of yours,”CC says as if he was waiting for his cue.
My guys freeze in their spots. Their bodies shiver as if they’ve been covered in ice and it breaks my heart to literally see the color fade from each of their faces. Dissecting their emotions is difficult, but I get a sense they’d worked out their uncle was involved in my life, but not to this extent.
I don’t know what to say as they each turn to face me slowly.
The immediate tension in the room is so thick, I could slice through it with my claw.
“That was…” Draken whispers, unable to finish his sentence.
“He’s your stranger,” Corentin mumbles. The hurt and the confusion coloring his tone are loud and clear despite the soft delivery.
With a small, sad smile, I lead us over to the couch to sit before my legs give out. My body is so jittery and the way my mind is still doing somersaults, I need a minute to sit or I’m going to pass out.
“There’s so much I—we, need to tell you.”
“We? As in you and our dead uncle who can apparently still speak?” Caspian asks skeptically.
“Don’t sound so discouraged, nephew. Weirder things have happened in Elementra,”CC says and Caspian’s body trembles before he closes his eyes and sinks down onto the armrest of the couch.“I need to show you all some things that’ll hopefully make this easier to understand.”
“How will you—”
My echoing gasp interrupts Draken’s question as my Memoria stone blazes against my chest. Their minds, including Gaster’s, latch on to minewithout my command. This isn’t something I’ve caused, nor is the Memoria stone doing this on its own.
“Everyone, hold on. I don’t know what’s happening.”
That’s the only warning I get to give them before we’re sucked into my mind, with no control or any idea at all about what’s to be seen.
Eight years ago
“I try not to question you, Elementra. You’ve never led me astray, but I simply can’t understand this.”
Her whimsical, powerful laugh vibrates my entire body and I close my eyes at both the comfort and annoyance of the sound. I may have chosen my words poorly just now.
I tend to question everything.