My knees finally give out on me and I crumble to the floor in a heap as I hold on to the side of her bed for support. My men instantly surround me, holding me close.
I cry even harder when I feel a fingernail tickle the top of my hand and I immediately turn my palm, lacing our fingers together.
The guys’ murmuring travels into Oakly’s room where we’re lying on her bed, pretending not to eavesdrop.
Well, I’m pretending. She’s lost to her own thoughts.
I waited patiently on the floor while her men lavished her in love, Jamie gave her a thorough check, and then they just held her while I held her hand. As soon as her fingers gripped me tighter, attempting to pull me closer, I crawled in bed beside her.
That’s where I’ve been since.
Aria joined us for a little while as well, reassuring us our souls were as strong as ever before my brother told her it was time for them to go. The only other visitor was Gaster. I thought his rapid shifts between scolding then crying while giving us hugs were going to be her undoing, but she held strong and soaked up the love he showered her in. Plus, the calming tea and pastries helped.
Now the two of us sit together in silence. It’s not our normal comforting kind, though. The tension surrounding her is deafening.
My fingers trail through her hair mindlessly as she sighs to herself and I’m waiting for her to speak. The reality of what happened today has justsettled in her mind and she wants to ask me about the in between then and now, but she doesn’t. She’s not ready.
Based on the plans I hear from the guys outside and the pieces of information I’m picking up by eavesdropping in their minds, they’re preparing to separate us so we can both get some rest. My body tenses at the notion, even though I feel Oakly’s desire to be surrounded by her guys keenly in my chest.
For her wants and desires, I’ll leave her side, but it’s only because I feel that’s what her soul’s practically begging for.
“They’re getting ready to kick me out.”
“Selfish men.”
I snort as she rolls over, facing me, and we lie here, staring at one another. I fight back the tears that want to fill my eyes because I see the waterworks welling in hers. I don’t want to be the cause of them falling.
Physically, she looks as she always has, but now there’s a piece inside of her that will feel foreign, at least to herself, for some time to come.
I’m all too familiar with it. I never wanted her to know it.
It’s the weight of the demons that sit in the back of your mind.
Emotional and mental traumas aren’t things everyone will experience in their lifetimes, and I’m so happy for those who will never know that type of turmoil. As for my best friend, though, she’d already known a touch of it through her parents’ lack of acceptance of her.
Now it’s layered. Darker. More pronounced.
She doesn’t know how to cope with this level, but I’ll be here for her. I’ll guide her.
“They’re going to hog your attention for a little while, and I’ll allow that. But then I need some time with you.”
“There’s no doubt I’m going to need a break from them.”She smiles and I know it’s forced.
We’re both bullshitting just to fill the silence.
“Get some sleep or snuggles or whatever it is you need, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I lay a quick peck to her nose and genuine laughs fall from both of us as she tries to swat me away. The noise seems to call out to our men as they stampede in here like their asses are on fire and we smirk in their direction.
The relief that drapes across the Mercie men is tangible as they surround us on the bed. I take that as my cue to get up and as soon as I hold my hand out, four others latch onto it and pull me up.