“Some fucking dream, Primary,” Caspian says, heaving from the side of the bed.
“I know. I’m sorry for scaring everyone. It was so weird. Weirdest dream walking I’ve ever done.”
I don’t feel any need to keep anything about the dream from them since I didn’t learn anything of value and the more I talk, the more their confusion festers. Not that I expected them to figure anything out for me when I have no clue what was going on, but their uncertainty makes me feel worse.
“You haven’t done anything to anyone’s brother that we’re aware of. I mean, maybe you offed a Mastery member who was in a Nexus during one of our many battles, but even then, why would you be sent to them to help them?” Draken asks.
“The people I can think of weren’t real Nexuses, so I doubt they’d feel that strongly about harming her. It would just be their ridiculous loyalty to the Mastery, and they wouldn’t want her help,” Caspian bites out bitterly.
“Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t recall harming anyone’s brother directly either, though. The last few fights, we’ve killed off most larger groups of Mastery members. It sounds pretty bad when I say it out loud, but we don’t take many prisoners…”
“Oh my God.”
“What?” Corentin, Caspian, and Draken ask at once.
“Oh, shit,” Tillman mumbles and my eyes meet his. He just heard my thoughts, so he knows.
“Trex,” I whisper.
“What about him?” Draken asks.
“That was his brother. That was Dec. The Dream Walker,” I say with wide eyes as I look at each of them. “Holy shit, that wasn’t my dream walking at all. That was my real dream, and he entered it.”
They each begin talking and asking questions at once. The noise grows louder around the room to the point I slam my eyes shut and raise my hand, asking them to stop. All the while, their pissed off emotions trample across my chest. Needless to say, my men aren’t too happy about another man entering my dreams, then threatening me on top of that.
“I’ll kill him,” Caspian says darkly.
“We’ll kill him,” Draken agrees, nodding along easily.
“No one is killing anyone. We need to talk to Trex. This makes so much more sense,” I say, throwing the covers off me and attempting to get out of bed.
“Hold on a second, princess. We’re not going anywhere right now. Everyone, calm down and get back in bed. We’ll decide what we’re doing in the morning,” Corentin says, although I know that’s bullshit. They’re each bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
No one’s going back to sleep.
Nor do we have to. As if this was planned perfectly, Tillman’s timekeeper begins blaring through the room and we each turn our heads to look at it.
“It’s morning time, your highness. Time to get ready,” I order as I hop out of the bed and sprint to the shower.
Their murmuring voices follow me under the spray of water, but no one tries to stop me or slow me down as I take the realm’s quickest shower. They obviously got the memo because by the time I’ve stepped out of the bathroom, fully clothed, ready to go, my room is deserted.
Leaving my bedroom to go rush them along, it’s like clockwork as they each step back out of their rooms when I turn the corner on their hall, and I let a saucy little smirk cross my face.
“You all should’ve just joined me. Sure, you have bathrooms, but what’s the point of using them when mine is big enough for all of us?” My smirk blooms into a full smile as they each groan and wait for me to walk into their protective circle before carrying on down the hall.
“There’s a reason we don’t shower with you every morning, little warrior,” Tillman says, peering over his shoulder.
“Oh yeah? What’s the reason?”
“’Cause we’d run the water out, little wanderer,” Draken says with his own sexy little smile.
“The water doesn’t run out.”
“Don’t underestimate the time we could spend in there fucking you senseless, Primary. You wanted to get shit done this morning. You made that clear. That wouldn’t be happening if we joined you,” Caspian says behind me, sending a chill down my spine.
“You’re probably right. Next time,” I say, breathless.