“That’s going to be our lives one day. Two hundred years sounds so far away, but it’s not, is it?” I ask as my own emotions race to the surface.
“No, it’s not. We’ve got other things to worry about first, though, right? You know, like finishing at the academy, traveling, sightseeing, our bonding ceremonies. No need to fret over the other stuff right now. Right?” she asks as her own panic bleeds through her words.
“And saving the realm,” I mumble.
“Fuck, yeah. That too. See, plenty for us to do before we become sensible, responsible adults who rule the realm. We’ve got plenty of time.”
“Yeah…yeah. Plenty of time.”
We manage to end our conversation on a much happier, funnier note, making plans for the tour I’ll give her when she gets here, how she, Aurora, and I will enjoy some coffee and girl time. All in all, we’re our happy, normal selves by the end of it.
Deep inside, though, I can’t shake the feeling…
The clock for the realm is ticking.
“Eager to learn about the Valorian Veil?” Gaster asks as he plops down beside me on the couch in the lounge with a single journal. Far less than I thought there’d be when CC told me to ask for his notes.
“I don’t know if I’d say eager to learn about it, but I am eager to go inside the amplifier room.”
“Ah, yes, of course. The Eye of the Veil,” he says dreamily.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’ll explain more in here. That’s a story I haven’t told in some time,” he says as he passes over a journal that’s seen better days.
I’m careful as I untwine the thin leather string that’s holding the cover closed and I’m surprised when I find that the parchment inside looks fresh, new even.
“When the portals closed, I enchanted my journals from the other realms to preserve them better. Quite a few of my journals on Elementra are preserved as such as well. Some are not. Depends on my mood and the information inside,” he says with a smirk when I give him a questioning look.
“I’ll admit, Gaster, I expected books and books on this realm when CC told me to ask about your notes. I didn’t expect only a single journal,” I say as I flip through the pages.
I come across a particular spot where it’s actually missing a page, and my finger runs down the jagged, ripped edges. Of course my curiosity burns to know what’s missing, but as I read the page before it, it’s mostly information on Elementra.
“I spent a good number of years in the Valorian Veil, but times were getting rough there before I left. It happened quickly, fiercely, so I only grabbed this one journal. It had the most valuable information in there and then I fled. The portal to the Veil closed first, and that’s no surprise to me. Whether it was your ancestors or Elementra who closed that portal, Idon’t know, but they knew that realm was on its own verge of war, and we needed no part of it.”
War. It seems to be a trend.
There was always a war in the nonmagical realm. There’s a war in Elementra and apparently, the gods can’t get along either. I wonder if the vampires, the giants, and the casters have figured out better ways to exist.
“May I borrow this?” I ask.
“I’ve already sent it to your journal. I just wanted to show you the original as well.” He pats my hand and takes the journal from me.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that, Gaster…” I trail off at his knowing smile. He’s been waiting for me to bring it up on my own.
“Your infinity journal. Yes, apparently, I’ve presented it to you twice now.”
“You made it for my birthday and CC gave it to me as a present. I remember the day he asked for it back. I’d run to my tree crying because Franklin had destroyed my room. I’d stolen a book from his study with the intention of reading it then returning it. I’d done it many times and not gotten caught, but that time, I guess I stole a book I had no business reading. When I told CC, he said it was too dangerous for my journal to stay in my room anymore and that he’d bring it with him every day for me to write in. He’d never explain to me why, though. I even made the argument that Franklin couldn’t read the words because he didn’t have magic, but we know the truth now. How did you get possession of it again?”
“I’m not entirely sure, child. I found it in my cottage, and I could sense my magic intertwined with it. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. Once you arrived, I thought to myself, how perfect. It’s even her favorite color. Then I added my notes and research to it. When I first made it, it was under CC’s directions,” he says softly, with apologetic eyes.
“I hid it in his office while he was molding your necklace. I knew it’d be safe there.”
My body shivers as CC’s voice filters through my mind. This is the first time he’s spoken since before I walked into my bedroom, despite my multiple attempts at asking questions and getting nothing in return.
“So this is how our communication will go? You randomly popping into my head.”I try to keep my tone light, although I’m already getting emotional. I’m torn between being thrilled I hear him and upset that it’s not consistent. I wish he could talk to me always.
“Yes and no. There needs to be a purpose, remember?”