Page 62 of Gift from the Wing

The Primary is the conduct that has the ability to pass on the manipulation of all of Elementra’s blessings through touch. It is only through the Primary’s guidance that the Nexus can tap into the full strength of the completed bond.

“That’s why you were touching one of them constantly just then,” I murmur out loud.

“Yes. As I said, Tilly and I only got as far as our elements flowing through them, but I believe you’ll be able to pass on all of Elementra’s blessings,” Aurora says. She had to have memorized this book to know exactly what I was referring to because she doesn’t look down at the book but instead holds my gaze.

“May I borrow this?” I ask as I close the book.

“It’s yours now, my girl. I’m pretty sure I was only supposed to watch after it until you got here,” she says sweetly, smiling proudly at me.

“Thank you,” I say, then walk the book over to the windowsill. When I join them again, I clap my hands and rub them together. “So where do we begin?”

Everyone chuckles at me, but I’m pumped now. From Aurora’s and her men’s badass display of their power to my new reading material, I’m ready to conquer it all. If what Aurora believes is true and I can pass my power through me into my men, which strengthens their abilities, I’m ready for it.

It also makes more sense now as to why she was so excited about Draken’s newest ability. With him being able to feed me his magic, I won’t grow tired of pushing power into them. We’ll basically have our own give-and-take system that doesn’t tire us out.

And in a war against a psychopath that has possibly hundreds of stolen gifts, we can’t get caught at anything less than full strength.

“Let’s start small. I’ll push my earth element through Roye and walk you through what I do. He has an earth element, and it was easiest for me to learn with him first,” Aurora says, but I hold my hand up because I’m utterly confused about what my Patera-Nexus, aside from Dyce, is capable of since they bounced around so much, and I saw each of them use an earth element because of her.

“Can I have a quick breakdown of your gifts and elements?”

Each of my fathers-in-law puffs up at my question. Their eagerness is heady, and I laugh at the smug smirks on their faces. It’s clear where my men, all four of them, get their cockiness from.

“You’ve opened a wormhole now, my girl,” Aurora says, snorting.

“Come on then, daughter-in-law. See if you can guess them. You already know my beast, but put that magical signature gift to good use on the rest.” Dyce cheers, pulling me forward before I can answer, and my guys grumble behind me.

Roye steps up first with his arms crossed and a sly smirk on his face. He’s not using his gift yet judging by the absence of the subtle vibrationI feel when people are actively using their gifts, so I don’t know what he’s waiting for.

“Come on, Draken. You’ll be the prop.”

Prop? What in the realm does he need a prop for?

Draken snickers and jogs up happily for whatever’s about to happen and I arch a brow at him, earning myself a wink. “You think you can handle my dragon?” he asks excitedly.

“There’s no room in here for you to shift,” Roye says, shaking his head.

“Oh, but on the contrary,” Draken says, giving no one any warning before he sprints farther from us, and in the middle of this damn gym, shifts into his fifteen-foot form.

“When did he learn to change his size?” Theo asks, whipping his head to us.

“After we bonded. We both can shift to whatever size we please,” I say proudly as I look at my fearsome dragon. Luckily, the gym is big enough with the incredibly high ceilings and huge space, but he probably should’ve warned them.

“Well, this is going to be an awkward hold. Don’t flap around or swipe me with your tail, Draken,” Roye says as he marches up to Draken, then…crawls underneath him.

What the fuck is he doing?

Suddenly, Draken’s off the ground.

And not because he’s flapping his wings.

Roye stands tall underneath his belly, literally holding him up as if he were nothing more than a workout bar. I quickly shake myself out of my stupor so I can cast my gift out and pick up on Roye’s, although it’s fucking obvious.

“Holy shit. He has super strength,” I mumble.

“That I do, Willow,” Roye says proudly before tossing Draken to the ground. The entire gym shakes, and we all wobble on our feet before righting ourselves.

I never would’ve believed this if I hadn’t just seen it with my own eyes, but that is fucking astonishing.