“Well, why didn’t he take some time? He was told I was his son and that was that. End of discussion. I don’t get it. He didn’t even need to think about it,”I say, getting a little defensive even though she just told me it was okay.
“No, he didn’t need time. That’s just the way my Lord is. Once his mind is made up, that is that. There’s no need for a fuss or questions. It’s both reassuring and incredibly frustrating. He’s a very stubborn man when he wants to be.”
Her teasing settles my nerves, but at the same time, it makes me feel like shit. For the most part, my entire life, I’ve always been the same way as she’s describing him. Quick to make up my mind, make a decision, then I stuck to it no matter what. Unless my brothers had a good argument as to why it was a bad decision. Even then, though, I didn’t always listen. Like with Willow. The second I saw her and she called Tillman ‘mine,’ I was fully committed. That was that.
I’m struggling with this, though, and it’s making me feel childish.
“Willow said you chose to bond him. Can I ask how or why you did that?”
“Much like this realm, in Essemist Keep, many of us with a higher consciousness, vampires, creatures, dragons alike are given fated beloveds. For dragons, you know instantly when you come across yours and you are to decide right then and there if you will accept the bond or not.”
“Um, but…you…he,”I stutter because she said fated beloveds. There’s no way they have that sort of relationship.
Her deep, ethereal chuckle vibrates through my mind, and I don’t know whether to let it calm me down or freak me the fuck out.
“Our bond is different, yes. There’s no romance or intimacy. I am the first of my kind to ever form a cross-species bond. Although I recognized him instantly, just as I would’ve had he been a dragon, the deep primal claim, like you feel over your beloved, was absent. Just an awareness that I needed him and he needed me.”
Thank fuck for that. I was about to freak the hell out.
“So you felt the bond and accepted it?”
“How does that work? If that’s not a too personal question.”
Fuck, I should just stop asking questions while I’m ahead here.
“Not too personal at all, but maybe you should ask him,”she says before letting out a small, rumbling roar, then descends toward the back lawn of the mansion.
Shit. Seriously. Come on.
Following her rather than leaving her behind and turning back like I’m tempted to, I touch down a few seconds behind her and watch as Keeper slides off her back and stretches his body out. Smiling as always. I guess I get it, though. Hundreds of years trapped in a forest would make me appreciate my freedom as well.
“Go on, Draken, shift back,”she orders lightly with a laugh.
Meddling dragon.
Letting the magic wash over me, in milliseconds, I’m left standing on two feet. My annoyance with Tanith swiftly leaves me as I gaze at our pool, the patio table, the spot in the lawn a few feet over where my little wanderer and I completed our bonding ceremony. We haven’t been gone long enough to miss it all, but after seeing and knowing the significance of the south wing, it just makes me cherish the mansion even more.
“This place and the palace are truly spectacular, Draken. The architecture here is very different from in the Keep but no less fascinating,” Keeper says enthusiastically, smiling around at everything with total interest although he’s seen it before.
I hum in agreement, not knowing what to say before closing my eyes for a second, and mentally yell at myself to stop being an asshole for no good reason. Sighing, I turn a little more toward him and ask, “What’s it like? In the Keep, I mean.”
A tight smile crosses his lips and his eyes cloud over. I instantly kick myself for asking because of course that would dredge up his longing. I can’t imagine what I would feel like being locked out of Elementra for hundreds of years. It would’ve killed me, honestly.
“Sorry, you don’t have to talk about it,” I say quietly.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just been a long time since I’ve allowed myself to think about it,” he says, then looks back at Tanith, his smile morphing into a real one. “The Keep is like nothing else. The realm itself is ancient and timeless, a place where centuries have passed without significant changes. Popular to the lore I’m sure that’s spread about, we do tend to live in massive castles that are made with obsidian or slate. They have tall towers and spires that are darker in color, but the insides are typically grand, bright. My mother loved to redecorate. Goodness, it would be like entering a new home every full moon…” He trails off, falling deep in his thoughts.
Guilt squeezes my chest. I was just trying to take Tanith’s advice and speak with him. I didn’t mean to upset him.
“Is there any sort of magic there like here or…?” I ask, trying to pull him from wherever he’s getting lost at.
“Oh yes. The air is filled with the hum of magic, both of our own abilities and from those who’ve ventured there. It’s elegant and refined. Tradition and grace are very much valued and contrary to what you’ve seen, the vampires who live there are sophisticated and cultured. The bloodlust is a nasty side effect to our kind, stripping away their love for art, music, learning, intelligence…” He trails off once again, shaking his head, but he’s quick to get himself back on track this time. “The realm has a peaceful atmosphere, but there’s always an underlying sense of power and strength. It’s a beautiful but also a humbling reminder that the land is full of beings and creatures who possess great abilities.”
“Speaking of creatures…” I turn my head to Tanith and cock a brow, judging if now’s the time to ask my burning question. Her little huff is confirmation enough, so I ask, “How did the two of you bond?”
To my utter shock, he throws his head back, laughing. And I mean fucking laughing. Holding his belly and all as he bends forward and continues to snicker like I just told the realm’s funniest joke. I can’t help but cock my head to the side and stare at him.